Aries Horoscope September 2022

Aries horoscope, wellness stones

Your ruling planet Mars has taken up residence in air sign Gemini where it will remain for an unusually long time until March 2023. Gemini is the sign of communication and your communication sector. Therefore, this is where to channel your time and energy, into the spoken and written word.

You may become actively involved in your local community or be a spokesperson for a cause you’re interested. It’s a good time to commit to a course of study, whether you’re keen to gain a new qualification, learn a language or update your skills.

The 1st & 28th could be stand-out dates for you when Mars gains support from other planets, Jupiter in Aries & Saturn in Aquarius. These planetary combinations feel charitable and full of good-will. They’re linked to community affairs and playing your role within society.

Order & Efficiency

September is Virgo season and the ideal time to tweak your routine, add some healthy habits to your lifestyle and focus on getting things done.

Virgo is the star sign linked to order so it’s an excellent time for tidying, sorting and bringing form and structure to your life. If you’re a list-maker, crack on. If you like spreadsheets, do the numbers. 

Virgo season is the ideal time for you to analyse and strategise and ensure you’re getting the results you want. As a fire sign, you’re great at leaping into something new. You’re not always as efficient at seeing things through to completion or checking out what’s working and what’s not. If you’d benefit from some help either at home or at work, get the right people on your side.

Also, if you’re true to your star sign Aries, you fare best when you’re physically strong and this is an excellent time to hone your fitness and boost your health.

It would be a good month to train for a physical challenge or incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Think about your eating habits too and whether you want to start a new diet or implement a lifestyle change.

Teamwork & Partnership

Throughout September, it’s a good idea to find your allies and team up with other people. Talk planet Mercury is moving forward in your opposite star sign Libra up until the 10th, the sign of diplomacy. Plus, the planet of relating Venus is in Virgo and your work and lifestyle sector from the 5th to the 29th.

Working alongside other people will be more enjoyable than going it alone now. You’re an independent soul by nature but teamwork can not only be fun but more effective too.

The theme of partnership increases at the Full Moon on the 10th. Full Moons are often a time of drama or heightened emotions. Plus, on the same day, Mercury turns retrograde in Libra, your opposite star sign.

This can mean that you’re reviewing your relationship situation or one of you wants to take a break or slow things down. Mercury retrograde is a time when people from your past often come back into your life. Whatever’s happening for you personally, explore all your options and wait until Mercury turns direct on October 2nd before making up your mind.

What’s interesting about this Mercury retrograde phase is that Mercury turns retrograde opposite big planet Jupiter in your star sign Aries – the exact dates are the 3rd & 18th.

So, even though Mercury is pulling you back towards the past, Jupiter in your star sign is encouraging you to look and plan ahead.

It suggests a complex dilemma when you may have to think deeply about what’s possible and what’s not. You may be considering another person’s role in your life, perhaps a foreigner, a teacher or someone from a different culture.

On the 23rd, Mercury retreats back into Virgo and your work and health sector. There may be a second chance regarding a job or volunteer role. Again, the emphasis is on reviewing your situation rather than forging ahead.


On the same day, the 23rd, the Sun enters Libra heralding the Equinox. Libra represents all forms of partnership in your life, both personal and professional. It’s about your one-to-one’s whether you decide to take on a personal trainer, employ a cleaner or VA or find a buddy to team up with so you can be accountable to another person.

This month’s New Moon also falls in Libra on the 25th. This could turn out to be a significant date for love. Yet, remember that Mercury remains on go slow. When planets are in Libra, it’s important to compromise, listen to both sides of the coin and weigh things up carefully.

It’s a very different planetary energy to your direct and forthright star sign, Aries. You can learn from your opposite star sign. Life often becomes easier when you take on some of the opposite sign’s traits. Take your time this month and be aware that you’re not always going to be the one in charge and ask for help when needed.

Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments between September 10th to October 2nd. Here are some more tips:

  • be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
  • take a step back, do less not more
  • double-check everything, read the small print
  • chase up old contacts, revisit the past
  • use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
  • rest & retreat when you can
  • do your research & explore your options ready to act when Mercury turns direct

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