Aries Horoscope June 2023

summer fun, Aries horoscope

Gemini Season

Gemini rules the sector of your horoscope linked to transport and trips, study and learning. The Sun is here until the 21st and talk planet Mercury is in Gemini from the 11th to the 27th.

You may be planning a study course, writing exams or be involved in a teaching project. Or, perhaps you’re launching a podcast or website. Gemini rules both the spoken and the written word. Gemini rules your local neighbourhood, great for car boot sales, networking and being curious about where you live.

This month’s major Moon phases, the Full Moon and New Moon, may be significant dates here. The Full Moon on the 4th cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac, an ideal moon phase for finalising travel or study dates. During the Full Moon, there’s clarity, a time to trust your intuition and inner knowingness.

The New Moon on the 18th falls in Gemini, an ideal date for new beginnings. Launch a community or communication-related project, update your transport or technology.

Neptune is involved during the New Moon and Neptune is Pisces’ planet, God of the sea. Neptune rules dreams and the imagination, so this could be a creative or spiritual time for you. 

This is a similar theme to Saturn’s move through Pisces, which is active during the Full Moon phase. Explore the boundless nature of your mind, learn meditation or find your faith through a spiritual or religious path.

There could be times this month when your emotions promise to overwhelm you, whether you’re super sensitive or you’re around other people who are tearful or emotional.

The key dates are the 18th, 19th, 25th & 30th. There could be moments of fear or doubt too, if you lose your inner path. The 15th & 17th are dates to hold on firm to your faith and your determination to keep going.

With a lot of emphasis on the mutable star signs, especially Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, you may spend some of the month going around in circles. If you’re a typical Aries, you like to move directly from A to B. Yet, that may not always be possible.

You could enjoy story-telling, poetry writing, languages, music and art this month. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new avenues and different activities.

Play Time

Your ruling planet Mars is currently in fire sign Leo. Being a Sun Aries, this is your element and a time to do what you do best, be spontaneous, prioritise fun and make snap decisions.

Plus, on the 5th, the planet of love and relating Venus joins Mars in Leo and the two planets are side by side throughout June.

This is a cosmic reminder to look on the bright side of life and seek more joy, play and happiness. Leo emphasises romance, children, creativity, entertainment and play in your horoscope. You could find your spirits lift and your energy increase.

You may be on fire for a passion, a creative project or a lover. Perhaps, you rediscover your inner child, when you hang out with young people or your own children. This is potentially the start of a summer of love as Venus won’t leave Leo until early October.

Venus and Mars never consummate their journey through Leo, yet they come close. Make the most of this dynamic duo, the lovers of the heavens, in the most playful and glamorous star sign. If you’re looking for love, turn up the dial of romance to full volume.

The one proviso here is to watch your spending, especially on or around the 26th. This is when Mars clashes with Uranus in Taurus and your personal money sector, not a great date for being overly impulsive around finances.

Solstice Vibes

Home and family may be more important to you this month. Lovely Venus is in water sign Cancer up until the 5th, a time to embrace family activities or do up your home and beautify your surroundings.

Plus, this month is the Solstice, the mid-point of the year when the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st. Talk planet Mercury joins the Sun in Cancer on the 27th.

Therefore, prioritise the ones you love and get things moving regarding a home project or property transaction. These are the key areas under the Cancer cosmic spotlight – home and family.

It’s life close to home which could offer you the most contentment and security in June. You may want to travel on the Full Moon on the 4th, but there’s a lot to be said for taking a staycation and enjoying home comforts.

Plus, as power planet Pluto moves back into Capricorn and your career and vocation sector on the 11th, you may be forced to rethink your future path. There’s a glimmer of the endgame about this combination.

Pluto remains in Capricorn until early January 2024 and the shift back and forth from your career and status sector isn’t complete until the end of next year. Think of this as a process, shedding what’s no longer needed or moving away from a power game that’s out of control.

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