Home & Family
The Sun is at the base of your horoscope in water sign Cancer until the 23rd. The Sun is joined by talk planet Mercury in Cancer until the 11th.
Therefore, you might be negotiating who does what around the house this month. Or, perhaps you have more family arrangements going on which require careful consideration and planning.
The Full Moon on July 3rd highlights the areas of home and work, try to get the balance right between the two. You often see your situation clearly during the Full Moon when the light of the moon is at its peak.
This would be a good date to make an important decision regarding the foundations of your life. Aim for stability and security moving forward and consider your long-term future. What takes place on or around July 1st could be lucrative and lucky.
Also this month, there’s a powerful New Moon in Cancer on July 17th, a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to start afresh or start over. A New Moon is an ideal date to set your intentions, especially around home, family and property matters.
However, it may be that a beginning can only stem from an ending. This is because both the Sun and Mercury oppose Pluto in Capricorn this month – Mercury on the 10th and the Sun on the 22nd.
There’s an intensity about this combination. If things are changing on the work or future front for you or someone in the family, this could be a testing period. Perhaps, you grow closer to your family because of what’s coming to an end. Alternatively, you’re ready to close a door on the past and move on.
At its best, the astrology this month indicates a fresh start around your home or family and an opportunity to dig deep to create the change you desire. If it feels important to do so, make it happen.
Leo Season
This month’s stars promise a lot as there’s some lovely astrology taking place alongside more challenging planetary dynamics. Venus, the planet of love and relating, is in your fellow fire sign of Leo throughout July and your ruling planet Mars is here until the 10th.
Leo rules all the good things in your life, e.g. love affairs, children and pregnancy, creative projects, enjoyment, entertainment and luck. Plus, Venus and Mars are alongside one another until the 10th and this combination is full of happiness, blessings and passion.
If you meet someone new or you’re saying yes to social events, there’s a feel good factor to your stars. Make the most of it, do something special, look on the bright side and embrace life to the full.
Talk planet Mercury joins Venus in Leo from the 11th to the 28th and the Sun is here from the 23rd onwards. This provides a wonderful opportunity to fall in love, get pregnant, have fun socialising and do more of what you love. Make laughter and happiness your goal. The feel-good vibes run deep through your life.
Venus Retrograde
The big planetary event this month is Venus turning retrograde on July 23rd and Venus will remain on go slow until September 4th. Traditionally, Venus retrograde is not the time to marry, invest or have expensive beauty treatments. This is because the energy of the love planet turns inward and it can be a reflective time.
As Venus is your partner planet, you might have to take turns in supporting one another not only this month but throughout August as well. Don’t put too many demands on love or your partner. Instead, know that the best work you can do now is invest in yourself.
The more you learn to love who you are fully and deeply, the easier your path forward while Venus is in retreat. Slow down the pace when it comes to love once Venus turns retrograde, take your time and be patient.
If you’re in a relationship or married, you may benefit from some time away from each other. Or, you realise that one of you needs some space to reflect on love and the direction in which your relationship is heading.
Order & Efficiency
Finally this month, your ruling planet Mars enters earth sign Virgo on the 10th where it remains until August 27th. Even though there’s fun to be had in July, Mars in Virgo requires a hard-work ethic, a ‘head down, bum up’ attitude.
As soon as Mars moves into Virgo, this would be the ideal time to tweak your routine, add some healthy habits to your lifestyle and focus on getting things done.
Virgo is the star sign linked to order so it’s an excellent time for tidying, sorting and bringing form and structure to your life. If you’re a list-maker, crack on. If you like spreadsheets, create a new one.
This is the time to analyse and strategise and ensure you’re getting the results you want. As a fire sign, you’re great at leaping into something new. Yet, you’re not always as efficient at seeing things through to completion. Or, checking out what’s working and what’s not.
Also, if you’re true to your star sign, you fare best when you’re physically strong and this would be an excellent time to hone your fitness and boost your health. You may train for a physical challenge or incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Consider some new dietary habits too.
These are the areas of your life where you’re wise to be pro-active, even if there are times when you’re stopped in your tracks. The trickiest date potentially is the 20th when Mars in Virgo runs into an opposition with Saturn in Pisces.
Saturn can slow you down. Or, you encounter a block or obstacle in your life. There could be an issue with work, your health or your energy levels. Sometimes, fear or doubt kick in and your work or your future path feel uncertain.
If this is true for you, keep coming back to your heart and focus on what’s working well in your life. The more you can tap into the feel-good Leo vibes throughout July, the easier your path forward.
Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
- Venus is retrograde from July 23rd to September 4th.
- Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money and beauty switches direction.
- Put off major love and money decisions until Venus turns direct on September 4th. Yet, note that Mercury will be retrograde until September 15th – the true turning point.
- Use this Venus retrograde phase to reflect and gather strength, to review your situation, to consider your love and money options, to learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love. Start by learning to love yourself fully.
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