Mars’ Power
Your ruling planet Mars is in Scorpio and your joint finance sector up until the 13th. This is an ideal time to get to grips with money matters and sort out your finances in preparation for 2022.
Mars teams up with Pluto in a helpful alignment on the 6th. This is a good date to focus your will and power when it comes to work and money. Set things in place sooner rather than later as Venus’ retrograde phase could coincide with a shift in finances or power – see below.
On the 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius and your travel and study sector. You may be making new plans on the back of travel or study changes that kick in on or around the Solar Eclipse on the 4th. Mars remains in Sagittarius until January 24, 2022. You might be abroad during this phase or be lining up new experiences for the year ahead.
An ideal date to firm up future travel or study plans is the 30th when Mars aligns with Saturn, the planet of commitment.
Solar Eclipse
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 4th completes a powerful eclipse cycle cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. Solar Eclipses are New Moons with turbo power. They often represent key turning points in your life when one door closes and you have to re-orient your compass.
The star sign Sagittarius represents higher education, also life experience in your horoscope. It’s about travel, foreign connections, your philosophy on life, your beliefs and religion.
Ideally, this is a time to expand your horizons and life to the full. If travel plans are curtailed, find other ways to stimulate your mind and seek inspiration. Study, learning and gaining knowledge are the areas to embrace whole-heartedly. Or, a spiritual path or a new philosophy or faith.
There’s a Full Moon on the 19th cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac – think freedom, movement, travel & study. A potentially lucky date is the 20th when the Sun in Sagittarius links up with big planet Jupiter in Aquarius. Your friends or a group you’re involved in could be the reason why you’re ready to break free from restriction and broaden your experience of life. A conversation on the 11th could get things moving.
Venus Retrograde
The planet of relating Venus is in Capricorn and your career & vocation sector all month. Use your friends in high places and notice who holds the power. On the 19th, Venus turns retrograde, i.e. switches direction in the zodiac.
This is a powerful Venus retrograde phase as Venus switches direction conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. These two planets meet twice this month on the 11th & the 25th. This could signify a shift in power, someone leaving a position of leadership, someone else stepping in. Be wary of underhand behaviour, secrets, people behaving badly.
This could mean a door closing for you or your partner, as Venus is your partner planet. Perhaps, you need to let go of something that’s not working out.
If you do experience a work crisis or have to change direction, try to remain philosophical about the situation. Rather than despair, consider the other possibilities in front of you. Take your time and know that Venus’ retrograde phase lasts until January 29, 2022.
Talk planet Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th followed by the Sun on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. Therefore, the cosmic spotlight is turning towards your future path, your status & reputation as the year comes to an end.
Perhaps, you’ve always had a dream about what you want to do in life but you’ve not had the time to commit to those plans. Or, maybe you’ve been putting something off because you felt scared and doubted yourself.
Whatever your personal situation, be honest with yourself and visualise what your life would be like if you let yourself fully embrace your dreams. This could be the chance to do something special. See this as the gestation period. At the very least, play around with your ideas and allow yourself to visualise a new future path opening up in 2022 and beyond.
Jupiter Returns to Pisces
More big news this month is planet Jupiter on the move leaving air sign Aquarius and re-entering water sign Pisces on the 29th. Jupiter remains here until May 10, 2022. Jupiter has already been in Pisces from May 13 to July 28, 2021.
At its best, Jupiter creates luck and opportunity and Jupiter’s move into Pisces turns your attention to the most hidden sector of your horoscope. It’s a quiet place, one that can be deeply spiritual.
This is your opportunity to focus on your inner world, develop your spirituality, your trust and faith in life and the universe. You may see more clearly the connection between mind, body and spirit. You may benefit from going on retreat or bringing more silence and solitude into your life as one year ends and another year begins.
It’s lining up to be a big month and you’re wise to look to your future path, to make time to reorient your compass and decide your next steps.
Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
- Venus is retrograde from December 19, 2021 to January 29, 2022
- Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money & beauty switches direction.
- Put off major love & money decisions until Venus turns direct late January.
- Use this Venus retrograde phase to wait, be patient, consider your love or money options, go into couples therapy, learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love & relationships.
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Venus and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn seems to be in 12th house for Aquarius/ Aqua Asc not career and vocation house as it was pasted in the article.
And honestly for me it is sort of scary, when theese 2 energies come together in secret, with hidden agenda of reclusive 12thH…
hi Alice, are you reading the right horoscope? Venus/Pluto is 10th house for Aries; 12th house for Aquarius? You’ve commented on the Aries horoscope so do double check 🙂 Don’t let astrology (or life) scare you, use knowledge to empower you AND be aware that you may have someone working against you. Be a super Scorpio detective and dig deep 🙂 Sending best wishes.
Thanks so much for responding, somehow i clicked a wrong link. I do have a hard time and it will take a while with my immense stelum of planets, asteroids and angles from 11 Taurus to 5 Gemini, haha. And other fixed factors in my chart. No mercy for the fixed..