Virgo Season
This may be retrograde season but in true Aries style, you may have a lot to do. Your ruling planet Mars is in earth sign Virgo until the 27th. Talk planet Mercury is in Virgo all month too, as it turns retrograde on the 23rd. Plus, the Sun enters Virgo on the same day that Mercury turns retrograde, the 23rd.
Virgo rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. Therefore, it’s a month to be sensible if you’re busy with work or you have a big writing project on your hands. Look after your health and learn how to be disciplined so your routine works for you.
Retrograde phases can be helpful for switching off and focusing on a creative task. Mercury retrograde in Virgo would be an ideal time to get organised either at home or in the office. Clear your diary so you can get things done.
Earth Sign Energy
Plus, your planet Mars is in the thick of some lively earth sign action this month. There’s a freedom-loving and expansive Mars-Jupiter connection on the 1st, an innovative and exciting Mars-Uranus connection on the 16th and a transformative and focused Mars-Pluto connection on the 25th. These aspects focus on work and money and are where you can make big strides, ready for when talk planet Mercury turns direct mid-September.
Also you may choose to reassess your goals during the Full Moon cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac on the 31st. Stop and consider where you’re on track and what you could let go of to free up your time or lower your stress levels. It’s a Blue Moon, the second of two Full Moons this month. Use this Full Moon for rest and ritual so you don’t let too much work or stress leave you feeling blue.
Plus, you may feel under the cosh towards the end of the month as Saturn opposes the Sun in Virgo on the 27th. Streamline your schedule, aim to get back on track and focus on the tasks at hand.
Leo Vibes
August is traditionally Leo season and the Sun is shining bright in your fellow fire sign until the 23rd. Retrograde Venus is in Leo throughout the month and there’s a stunning New Moon in Leo on the 16th.
New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings, a chance to start over and turn to a fresh page. They are ideal for setting your intentions, being pro-active in life and moving forward. This New Moon could herald the birth of a child, the start of a gorgeous love affair, a prize, a gift or a unique moment in your life.
Leo rules a lucky sector of your horoscope, also romance, children and pregnancy, entertainment, creative projects and social get-togethers. There’s a magical Sun-Venus retrograde cazimi conjunction on the 13th and wild woman Lilith is pulled into the New Moon picture. Honour the divine feminine and access the wild side of your nature. It’s potentially a magical mid-month period.
There is a proviso, however, because during the New Moon, there’s a clash with Uranus, the planet of change and surprises. Plus, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus and your money sector on the 29th and this may coincide with some financial ups and downs.
Think freedom when it comes to money and reconsider what security means to you. Be prepared for the unexpected financially but also know that you could win big. Uranus is rarely stable and steady. Instead, it’s a planet that has a roller-coaster theme and you’re wise to be flexible and adaptable around money matters.
Start the month as you mean to go on and use the Full Moon on the 1st to make a plan around money. There’s an indulgent feel to your month ahead. Yet, it’s important to focus on where you can cut expenses and be wary of being overly indulgent or extravagant. At the same time, there’s plenty of opportunity for a celebration or good times. Aim for a healthy balance.
This month will be easier if you can shift your perspective to one of gratitude and appreciate the simple pleasures in life. For example, if you’re out of work, use your leisure time well, even if money’s scarce. And, use this retrograde phase to review your life, especially when it comes to love, money and work. Your astrology shows clearly that patience and balance may be required.
Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments when the communication planet is on go slow from August 23rd to September 15th. Here are some top tips:
- be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
- take a step back, do less not more
- double-check everything, read the small print
- chase up old contacts, revisit the past
- use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
- rest & retreat when you can
- do your research ready to act when Mercury turns direct
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