Aries December 2019

Aries, winter

Mars Power

Your ruling planet Mars is strong throughout December in its sign of rulership, Scorpio. Scorpio rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope, so this is an excellent time of year for a financial review. Or perhaps, you work in an industry where you receive an end-of-year bonus. 

Sometimes, extra money comes your way via a third party when you have Mars in this sector of your horoscope. Ideally, you want to ensure you’re earning as much as possible and minimise your expenses. This can be an expensive time of year but you’re more likely to be money-conscious and may come up with some savvy ways of gifting others.

Scorpio rules taboo issues in your horoscope, so it’s about sex and power as well as money, and the cycle of death and rebirth. Turn the wheel of fortune as 2019 comes to a close and release what’s no longer needed. When key planets are in Scorpio, it’s important to step in to your power and take charge of your life.

Plus, this month, Mars only makes positive planetary aspects to Neptune on the 13th, Saturn & Pluto on the 19th & 22nd respectively. Neptune in Pisces is about benevolence and forgiveness; Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn represent your career & vocation, your status and reputation. It’s a good month to aim high or pursue an ethical venture.

Jupiter Goals – Career & Vocation

There’s another reason why you’re ending 2019 with your gaze firmly focused on your future goals. Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, enters Capricorn and your career and vocation sector on the 2nd. This is a powerful combination to have Jupiter in Capricorn while Mars is in Scorpio, boosting your ambitions.

Jupiter’s move into Capricorn could be a brilliant planetary move for you. Think back twelve years ago when Jupiter was last in this sector of your horoscope. Think about what was happening and how you can use this Jupiter transit to the best of your ability.

Jupiter takes approximately one year to journey through each sign of the zodiac and it remains in Capricorn until December 2020. Here’s your chance to play big, fly high and expand your horizons. Jupiter’s the biggest planet in the heavens and represents the entrepreneur, the visionary. Jupiter in Capricorn wants you to up your game. 

Plus, Jupiter connects you with the world as it’s the global planet. Reach out to your wider network to expand your career. Plan work abroad or take a sabbatical to study something you’ve always dreamed about or leave the 9-to-5 and go freelance. It’s your choice but the opportunity is there in the coming year, whatever your personal vision.

If you’re currently on the verge of seeking promotion or looking for a new vocation, the 15th and 27th look especially lucky. On the 15th, Jupiter makes a positive planetary aspect to innovative Uranus in Taurus and your personal money sector. Put the two together and things could take off and fast on or around this date. 

Plus, on the 27th, there’s the annual Sun/Jupiter conjunction. As it falls in early degrees Capricorn, this feels like a positive boost to your plans and ideas for the future. It may fall during the festive season but you’d be wise to capitalise on this lucky opportunity.

Capricorn Solar Eclipse

There is, however, another major planetary event which you need to factor in. On the 26th, there’s a New Moon or Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, four days after the Solstice, when the Sun moves into Capricorn. This is part of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle which began in July 2018 and completes in July 2020 and is significant for you.

This is because Cancer and Capricorn represent the foundations of your horoscope. Cancer is at the base of your chart ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. Capricorn is at the peak of your chart ruling your career and vocation, your future path and where you’re heading.

As eclipses symbolise change, it’s likely that you’re in transition in either or both of these key areas of your life. In fact, it would be unusual to be in the same place at the end of such a major eclipse cycle as you were at the beginning.

Think about the symbolism playing out in your life and look at what’s changing. It may be that you have a big decision to make about where you live due to a work issue, a tense situation concerning a parent or another member of your family, or your next steps are changing and shifting. 

Traditionally, you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Allow the shadow of the eclipse to move away to reveal a new picture. With lucky Jupiter in the mix, for some of you this is most definitely a time to take a risk and play big in life. See what opens up in your life towards the end of the year.

Love & Partnership

Finally, when it comes to love and partnership pay attention to what’s happening with Venus, the planet of love and your partner planet. On the 3rd, Venus in Capricorn unites with your planet Mars in Scorpio. This could spell good news for a business partnership. Or perhaps, you fall in love with someone you meet through your place of work.

Venus remains in Capricorn until the 20th when it enters sociable Aquarius. Love and friendship are linked over the festive season.

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