Aries (21 March – 19 April)
Your ruling planet, Mars, remains in the most hidden sector of your horoscope this month, the star sign, Pisces. This means it’s a good month to ensure you have plenty of rest and down-time inbetween the busy-ness.
Up until the 21st, the Sun is in Sagittarius. Both these sectors of your horoscope, Sagittarius and Pisces, tap into your search for meaning. This could be an important month for your faith, your religion, your spiritual path. You might be seeking something more from life than the everyday and questioning life’s purpose.
If this is true for you, immerse yourself in these areas of life. Go to church, read esoteric literature, pursue the mysteries of life. This is an important part of your life in the month ahead which may also determine your plans for the festive season. This would be an excellent year to help out at a charity or take part in a Christmas carol sing-a-long raising money for a good cause.
Sometimes, when your ruling planet is hidden away, it’s time to take better care of yourself or perhaps you’re caring for someone close. Either that, or you’re enjoying binge-watching boxsets over the holiday break.
Holidays and travel may also be on your mind or planning a study course for next year. This is a great time to do so, especially once communication planet Mercury moves out of its retrograde phase on the 6th. This coincides with a New Moon in Sagittarius on the 7th, the star sign linked to travel and exploration.
Use this gorgeous astrology to book a flight and plan your next big adventure. You have expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius up until December 2019 so next year is brilliant for expanding your horizons and seeing the world.
On the day of the New Moon, your ruler, Mars teams up with Neptune in Pisces. This combination can be disorienting as Neptune rules illusion. However, at its best this is enchanting, magical and takes you beyond yourself. The focus isn’t strongly on you this month. It’s more about other people and finding answers elsewhere.
It’s also a good month to do things differently and explore new avenues, new experiences. Take advantage of what’s happening in a city or town close by and seek out new events, perhaps linked to the festivities. Ring the changes this year and expand your horizons. Get more involved with people from another country and learn about different cultures.
The Sagittarius energy peaks on the 21st when talk planet Mercury teams up with Jupiter for a second time. They first connected on November 27th when Mercury was retrograde, i.e. in retreat. These dates could be linked whether there’s a second chance to book a course or trip or you hear good news after sowing seeds last month.
Sagittarius rules publishing, the Law, international communication and global connections. It’s about truth and justice and the Mercury/Jupiter connection suggests a wrong being righted. If someone said No back in November, try again and their answer could be Yes.
Love is also under the cosmic spotlight and there’s a powerful planetary opposition on the 1st. This involves Venus, the love planet in your opposite star sign, Libra facing up to rebellious Uranus in your star sign, Aries. This is a lively vibe for love and relationships, whether you’re moving on or someone close behaves outrageously.
Either way, it doesn’t feel calm for your love life, although it could bring new excitement your way if you’re single. The following day, Venus returns to Scorpio where it remains throughout December. Venus was here from September 9th until October 31st and turned retrograde in Scorpio on October 5th.
Venus is now a morning star and in mythology she is thought of as a warrior woman. Whatever wrongs took place or difficult emotions emerged during Venus retrograde phase, now you can sort things out. Venus gets strong support this month from the slower-moving planets on the 16th, 21st and 28th.
This might be about money, power or sex. If there are any issues in your life in these areas, tackle them head on. Both Venus and Mars are in emotional water signs this month. Trust your instincts when it comes to love and relationships and do whatever feels right.
The Solstice takes place on the 21st when the Sun moves into Capricorn. Almost immediately, there’s a Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd. This is a good date to visit family or invite people round to your home. This Full Moon feels both caring and emotional, in a good way.
The Sun in Capricorn is at the peak of your horoscope and your thoughts may turn to work and career as the year comes to an end. This is particularly powerful for you this time around because on January 1st, your planet Mars comes home and enter Aries.
Mars will remain in your star sign until mid-February. This is strong, dynamic planetary energy and great for your personal goals and making things happen. Be ready to get off the blocks first thing in 2019. Also, with Mars entering Aries late on the 31st, New Year’s Eve, you could find yourself with extra stamina and be the last one at the party.
The 25th, Christmas Day, also has a fire sign vibe with the Moon in Leo. This indicates that you’ll have a lot of fun on the big day itself. Let your hair down, celebrate and enjoy yourself. The 24th could be soul-searching but don’t let that stop you having a good time on the 25th and being in the moment.
Wishing you a happy and peaceful festive season, whatever your faith and however you choose to celebrate.
Thank you so much for this Sally. Great and very thorough horoscope reading every month.
I love the way you explain everything. It is always comprehensive, interesting and motivating
Thank you, Elle 🙂