Aries August 2018

Aries August 2018

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Your ruling planet Mars remains in retreat until August 27th. This can be a frustrating time for you, when you’re playing a waiting game. Plans might be unravelling or you have to go back over old ground to reassess and review your next steps.

Mars is in Aquarius for the first half of the month, the sign of the collective and this is an activist Mars chewing over a moral or humanitarian dilemma. Be cautious not to throw money at a problem, especially close to August 2nd. This is a good date to rein in your impulsive nature when Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus. Remember, actions have consequences.

On August 13th, Mars retreats back into Capricorn, where it’s strong, the sign of business and big goals. You may find your ambition returns after this date. Once Mars turns direct in Capricorn on the 27th, it’s all systems go. This is brilliant for getting a job back, stepping into a leadership role and generally getting ahead.

Mercury joins the retrograde party this month until the 19th. In Leo, this is about chilling out, enjoying yourself and doing less not more, a key theme for August. If you can get away on holiday or spend time with your kids, do so. Ideally, in the first two weeks of the month.

The Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 11th could bring something special your way. Again, the theme is revisiting the past and it’s a lovely weekend to connect with the people closest to you. 

This is an intriguing Solar Eclipse as it’s a dynamic New Moon but next to retrograde Mercury, this is more about sowing seeds than launching something new. It could certainly get your creative juices flowing.

Love too is highlighted during the eclipse as Leo rules your romance sector. Falling for someone new, perhaps a blast from your past or a connection to your childhood. Also, love planet, Venus, is in Libra from the 6th onwards and Libra is your relationship sector. The 8th could be a special date too, when Venus and Mars unite, the lovers of the heavens.

Business and pleasure don’t mix this month, so avoid an affair at work, for example. Other people are there to support you in different ways. Find your fans, the people who cheer you on, especially if you’re in need of extra motivation. When you mojo isn’t working, it’s even more important to remember other people love to help. As an independent Aries, sometimes you forget this fact.

Finally, this month, the Sun moves into earth sign Virgo on the 23rd, another indication that it’s back to work or back to business as you move ever closer towards September. The Full Moon on the 26th is the first non-eclipse lunation since late June. 

It cuts across the Virgo-Pisces axis of the zodiac and connects with Saturn in Capricorn. Think work, lifestyle, service to others. Get your everyday routine working for you and crack on with those long-term goals. Chill out in August, work hard in September.

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