Aries April 2021

Aries, April 2021, red rose

This is your time of year so make the most of it. Happy birthday if you’re celebrating your birthday this month. The focus is firmly on you with the Sun in Aries until the 19th. Put yourself first and turn your attention towards your personal goals and wants.

Walk Your Talk

Your planet Mars is in Gemini for most of April, the sign of communication, while Gemini’s ruler Mercury is in your star sign, Aries, from the 4th to the 19th.

This means that these two quick-moving planets make a helpful sextile aspect and are in mutual reception, i.e. in each other’s sign of rulership. Communication matters this month, whether you’re studying, debating, talking, thinking, reading or learning.

The Mercury-Mars combination is lightening fast and it’s a great time to get things moving. This is about you and your personal goals and aims, your physical body, your image and profile. It’s about sharing ideas and brainstorming and making things happen. It’s an ideal time to ‘walk your talk’.

The focus on your star sign peaks during the New Moon in Aries on the 12th. New Moons are ideal for sowing seeds, starting something new, launching a personal project and setting clear intentions. Your own projects are likely to be on fire, although there are other factors that aren’t moving so swiftly.

Pluto Power

Any hold-ups or blocks are likely to come via your work or your public profile. This is because the planet linked to power, Pluto, is currently on go slow in Capricorn and your career & vocation sector. Pluto squares up to the inner planets as they move through Aries.

Notice what’s not working out in your life or who’s holding you back. You might be up against the authorities or dealing with a difficult boss. The trickiest dates in this respect are the 12th, 16th & 17th. Even more reason to look after no. 1 and focus on creating something new in your own life.

Making Money

Money is the big pull once the inner planets begin moving into Taurus. Venus is first on the 14th followed by the Sun & Mercury on the 19th. You might be willing to make compromises around work and status or with regard to your reputation as money matters.

This month brings the Full Moon in Scorpio which takes place on the 27th. This Full Moon cuts across the Taurus-Scorpio axis of the zodiac and the financial sectors of your horoscope.

Full Moons shine a light on your situation. They often bring clarity, culmination or a sense of completion. It’s a good time to trust your intuition, especially around money.

The Uranus Factor

There is another important factor that’s influencing money which is the planet of change, Uranus in Taurus. Uranus meets up with Venus (love/money) on the 23rd, Mercury (communication) on the 24th and the Sun (identity) on the 30th, all around the Full Moon period.

This could be a lively time for money and you may be playing for high stakes. Fire signs, like yourself, like to gamble and speculate but be aware that Uranus takes no prisoners – it’s often a double or quits game.

Yes, this could be the time to try something new and be an innovator. Your star sign, Aries, is brilliant at starting new projects. If you want to make money, here’s your opportunity.

It’s the ideal time to shift your mindset around money, boost your self value and worth and ensure you’re paid what you deserve. Be a money innovator, but do watch out for unexpected expenses and know your limits.

Family Concerns

Your home and family come under the cosmic radar from the 23rd onwards. This is when Mars, your ruling planet, enters Cancer, the sign related to home and family. Mars in Cancer is a cautious combination.

Look at ways of saving on your mortgage or rent, team up with the rest of the family to pool resources and consider your next steps regarding where you live. This theme continues throughout May and in to June.

Sowing Seeds

April’s astrology turns the focus on to you, making your own decisions, focusing on your personal goals and projects. However, a single life is a solitary life and people count.

While Mars is in Gemini until the 23rd, actively engage with other people and make new friends. The contacts you make could reap rewards this month.

Love is highlighted thanks to Venus’ transit through your star sign, Aries, until the 14th. Plus, Venus and Mars unite on the 6th. This could turn out to be a special date for love or, at the very least, partnership. Work alongside other people and make time for the ones you love.

Venus and Mars were lovers in mythology and they don’t come together that often. Another good reason to make the most of their helpful connection early April.

April is a positive month to get the basics of life right and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You can learn a lot about yourself now and put what you learn to good use. Not everything will go your way. Sow enough seeds, however, and you can guarantee that at least some of them will grow and flourish in time.

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