Aries April 2019

Aries, mountain, tree

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

April is a month of two halves for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the planet which rules the mind and thinking, Mercury, is completing its long journey through Pisces up until the 17th. 

Less Muddle, More Motivation

Mercury has been in Pisces since February 10th. Last month, Mercury was retrograde, i.e. in retreat from March 5th to 28th. This may have been a foggy or uncertain time for you. Your attention has been turned inwards, ideal for being on a spiritual retreat or spending more time by yourself.

There’s a theme of sacrifice or surrender inherent within the star sign, Pisces. Therefore, you may have found it challenging to put yourself and your own needs first. You might have been lacking in confidence too and found it hard to be bold and get ahead.

Continue to feel your way forwards now, but know that this month brings a stream of green lights. In fact, this is a month when communication, planning and ideas are foreground. 

If you’ve been been changing your mind recently or you’ve been in information overload, April’s astrology flicks the switch back on. Miscommunications begin to un-muddle and you won’t want to be held back by anyone, least of all yourself.

Mars In Gemini – Motor Mouth

Your ruling planet Mars is in Gemini this month, the sign of communication. Expect to be busy, whether you’re commuting more than usual or you have various meetings and get-togethers taking place. You benefit now from playing a key role in your local community, making new friends and contacts. Ensure networking and socialising are your top goals.

Mars in Gemini is a lively combination that flags up the importance of ‘people power’. Get on the right side of people who matter and you can make quick progress. Look out for someone who can help you become a voice or authority. Be willing to take risks to pursue your chosen goals. After a couple of months when life has been in retreat, things are beginning to rev up nicely.

There may be times when you’re questioning what you’re doing, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The more you engage actively with your personal goals, the more you can discover insights and understanding that help you moving forwards.

The New Moon in Aries on the 5th is a top date to initiate an important conversation, ask for advice or guidance and get your words out in public.

All forms of learning are recommended now whether you go back to school, learn a language, take a new qualification or sign up for a course. This would be a good month to pass your driving test or sit an important exam.

Jupiter’s Change Of Plan

It’s also a good month to think again about a major project that hasn’t yet happened. This may be connected to travel or study, taking a sabbatical or planning a dream trip. There’s a sense of renewal this month or being offered the chance to try again.

This will be especially strong on or around the 10th when the planet of opportunity, Jupiter, turns retrograde in Sagittarius and your travel and study sector. The turning points of the major planets intensify their energy as they remain at one point in the zodiac. If you have key planets/angles at 24 degrees Sagittarius, turn your gaze, your perspective towards the outer world.

Be aware, however, that you may need to rethink your plans. The turning point could indicate new laws around travel or study that impact your personal situation. Jupiter’s in pole position from the 10th to the 15th. This is when you’ll want to make more of your life and take a risk or leap of faith. 

Releasing the Past

During this period, the Sun in your star sign, Aries, is strong. This brings with it added vitality, energy and confidence. There’s a sharp contrast this month between adventure and conformity ad you may feel held back in your current job or work situation. 

The slower-moving planets, Saturn & Pluto, remain strong in Capricorn and your career and vocation sector. This could indicate challenging times with a boss or authority figure. Plus, both planets connect with the south node – Pluto on the 4th and Saturn on the 30th. The south node indicates the place you retreat to in life. 

This may be your comfort zone but there’s a sense of detachment that comes with this. You may not want to be pulled in to the material world or find yourself repulsed by office politics or the workings of government and big business. 

Notice how or where you’re withdrawing or detaching yourself. This could be an inner shift that starts this month and lasts until September. Be self-aware and notice who or what you’re turning away from. This could be especially strong for you on or around the 24th and 30th, the dates when Pluto and Saturn turn retrograde in your career and vocation sector.

Love Vibes

Love is also under the cosmic spotlight this month with a second Full Moon in Libra and your relationship sector on the 19th. Last month’s Full Moon on March 21st also highlighted the Aries-Libra axis of the zodiac. In fact, what began last month could complete this month. The theme of a beginning and an ending is strong.

Plus, lovely Venus enters your star sign, Aries, on the 20th where it remains until May 15th. Add to this the fact that you have talk planet Mercury in your star sign, Aries, from the 17th and you’re in the thick of the action. 

At your best, you’re not shy if you’re a typical Sun Aries. Instead, you’re impulsive and daring. Mercury and Venus in your star sign could kick-start your life and your love life into action and fast.

Everything starts to move at a fast rate of knots in the second half of April. You’re out of the starting blocks of life and shooting off in all directions. It’s exciting and there’s a sense of renewal or rebirth, a chance to begin again. 

High Stakes

Money too is part of the equation as the Sun enters Taurus and your personal money sector on the 20th. 

Two days later, on the 22nd, the Sun teams up with wild planet, Uranus, and you start to see what Uranus’ move through Taurus means for you. This is the combination of quick wins and overnight success. Although, with Uranus, there are no guarantees but the pull will be strong to play for high stakes.

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