Aries April 2017

Aries April 2017

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

The Sun is in your sign of Aries until April 19th. This means it’s important to grab special moments when you can and focus on you, your personal goals and aims.

When the Sun’s in Aries, it’s your turn to shine bright and let the world see who you are and what you have to offer. Yet your confidence is likely to ebb and flow now and into May and this is partly because communication planet Mercury is retrograde in your sign of Aries from April 20th to May 3rd.

So the Sun leaves Aries on the 19th and the following day, mind planet Mercury retreats back into your sign where it remains until mid-May. This could bring with it a change in your thinking, a need to review your plans, some time out. As much as you want to get ahead now, timing is the key and it may only be in the middle of May when your energy and focus return 100%.

Your ruling planet Mars however is strong this month which indicates that the stronger you are, the easier it is to deal with other people or what’s going on around you. Mars is in earth sign Taurus until the 21st, an indication that slow and steady wins the race.

Taurus rules your personal money, your values, what you produce. Focus on the essentials now, create structure in your life, do whatever’s necessary to help you feel grounded and secure. Even though this month is ‘retrograde’ month, there are still some peak moments when you can get ahead, especially when it comes to work and money.

The first key date is the 6th when Mars in Taurus teams up with Pluto in Capricorn and your career sector. This combination is powerful and dynamic and it feels strong. This is the invincible side of your nature, the part of you that refuses to give up, that connects to your inner courage.

Be bold in work and money matters and stand firm for what you need. This would be a good time to ensure you get on the right side of the boss or you step up a level and take charge at work or with regard to finances.

It’s especially important to get ahead and get things sorted early in the month because Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus and your money sector on the 10th. This is traditionally not a good time to make a major investment or sign or seal a deal when Mercury’s on go slow. Keep your options open after the 10th and review or reassess your situation.

There is one stand-out date however whilst Mercury’s on go slow and that date is the 26th when there’s a New Moon in Taurus. This is a symbol of new beginnings and the New Moon lights up your money sector. So set some new intentions and look out for new opportunities. You might recognise a shift in your values towards the end of the month.

As April begins, there’s another personal planet that’s retrograde, i.e. in retreat and this is Venus, the planet of relating. Venus rules love but also money so this confirms that your level of security, your value system is currently in flux. There’s an ebb and flow that’s linked to other people as their actions or decisions impact on your own.

Venus is retrograde until the 15th, but on the 3rd, Venus leaves your sign of Aries and moves back into Pisces, the most hidden sector of your chart. This is a sensitive, compassionate Venus so you may find someone’s attitude towards you changes.

Yet Venus runs into Saturn on the 8th and 21st so for some reason Venus is unable to give freely. This may highlight a block or obstacle that’s hard to overcome. Plus there’s a ‘get real’ feel about Venus and Saturn when practicalities or clashing beliefs or principles get in the way of love.

The Easter weekend is likely to be pivotal with regard to love and relationships. On the 11th, a few days before Easter there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Aries-Libra axis of the zodiac. This highlights opposite wants or needs and it can be an emotional time.

Plus, this Full Moon pulls in the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square that dominates the heavens throughout much of 2017. There are other factors to take into account when it comes to love, whether this includes work, different paths or other people.

Then two things happen astrologically, both of which are important. On Friday 14th, the Sun in Aries teams up with impulsive planet Uranus and the following day on Saturday 15th, Venus turns direct. This feels like a switch is thrown, a change of heart, someone new entering the arena.

If you’re ready to declare your affections, here’s your opportunity. If you’re ready to move on from a relationship or partnership, this is when you’re likely to feel it most strongly. It’s potent astrology, not necessarily easy but powerful. Yet the most important date for you with regard to love is the 28th when Venus returns to Aries, strong and proud. The questioning is over, the time to act is now.

April is a whizzy month for you when the rebellious and spontaneous side of your nature dominates. There will be times when you’re ready to leap into action, especially on the 14th and 28th, but note that nothing is set in stone this month.

Plans will change, life unfolds. Your ruler Mars also changes signs on the 21st as it enters multi-faceted Gemini. Make the most of new opportunities, try out new things, new ways of thinking. Gemini rules communication, ideas, your local community.

It’s only in mid-May when you will know which plans will work out, which will fall by the wayside, who will support you and who’s moving on. Have fun when you can in April but be prepared for some frustrating twists and turns in the month ahead.

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