Aquarius Your Year Ahead 2017

Aquarius 2017Every year I write a popular and comprehensive annual eBook which is your guide to the year ahead.

It includes horoscopes for each of the 12 star signs and an extensive overview of the year’s astrology.

It’s a must-have read and will help you plan ahead and get ahead in 2017.

Below is a summary of what’s in store for Aquarius. If you would like to purchase the eBook, click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today. Only £10 for all 12 star signs.

Aquarius 2017

Travel is on the horizons as the year begins and your adventurous, restless spirit is in full flow. Line up a holiday with a group of friends or go on a study course. Your desire to learn more or teach others is on the increase throughout 2017.

Yet you will have to find new ways to pursue your goals as not all your plans will come to fruition. There might be delays or cancellations and when other people drop out on you, you need to find an inner resolve to keep going.

Your group connections are where the action’s at so reach out to others and extend your networks, socially and professionally. This is the year when you can start your own group either on- or off-line and become an authority in your chosen field.

Love and relationships provide you with lots of drama in the year ahead, sometimes because of other peoples’ behaviour and sometimes because you want to be free to do your own thing. You can’t resist the call of destiny and the desire to follow your heart if love is meant to be.

Money and career are inextricably linked in the year ahead and this enables you to pursue your dream job in the last few months of 2017. Yet it’s a bigger calling that means you could end the year as a philanthropist or fund-raiser and for some, the desire to surrender to a spiritual path.


Want to read more? Click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today. Only £10 for all 12 star signs.


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