Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)
This is a big month for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the planet of action, Mars, has been in your star sign, Aquarius for most of the time since May of this year. On the 15th of this month, Mars finally leaves your star sign and moves on.
Admittedly, Mars gives you get-up-and-go, drive and determination but it’s not been the easiest of journeys as Mars was retrograde throughout July and August. If you’ve been pushing overly hard in a specific area of your life or with a personal project, now’s the time to take your foot off the pedal and slow down or change direction.
It’s challenging to keep moving through life at full tilt, all guns blazing. If you know you’re on the verge of burn-out or you feel super-stressed, even more reason to change the pace.
Mars is the planet of anger and conflict so perhaps you’ve found yourself in a challenging situation or up against tough opposition with Mars in Aquarius. You may simply be ready for an easier life, more peace or harmony.
This fits with what’s happening with Venus, the planet of love and relating. Venus is currently in Libra, the sign of peace and harmony, where it turns direct on the 16th. Libra rules travel and study in your horoscope and expands your horizons.
Mars in Aquarius teams up with Venus in Libra on the 9th and this brings love and foreign connections together. You may be drawn towards someone who lives abroad or find that you’re falling for a person from a different culture or background. Be around the people who broaden your horizons and enrich your experience of life.
This planetary combination suggests that this is the perfect month for a holiday and some well-earned R&R. Engage in activities which interest you and shift your perspective especially if life close to home has become claustrophobic. Sometimes, it’s hard to gain a fresh perspective when you’re nose to nose with an enemy or opponent or a pressing or urgent problem dominates.
The other big news this month links to Mars’ exit from your star sign and involves the planet of luck and opportunity, Jupiter. On the 8th, Jupiter leaves Scorpio, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope, which represents your career and vocation, your status and reputation.
Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and has been in Scorpio since October 2017. At its best, Jupiter brings new opportunities, success and a wealth of work. You may have found a way to break free from the daily grind and follow your true vocation over the past year.
For some Aquarius individuals, this may have brought a sabbatical from work to study or a chance to work abroad as Jupiter is also the planet of liberation and freedom.
Jupiter’s at its best when you play big in life and grab new opportunities but Scorpio is an intense and obsessive sign. If you’ve been dealing with deep emotions while Jupiter has been in Scorpio, you may be ready to take a breather and move on.
The day before Jupiter leaves this part of your horoscope, there’s a New Moon in Scorpio on the 7th. Therefore, there’s an ending but also a new beginning. It may be that the work you’ve put in over the past year allows you to step back and do things differently.
Jupiter’s move into Sagittarius feels bright and breezy for you and Jupiter remains in this playful fire sign until December 2019. Sagittarius rules friends, groups, social concerns and your wider network in your horoscope.
This is about finding people of like minds and making sure that your social life is not only fun but supportive too. Bring new friends into your life by enjoying new activities and make an effort to catch up with old friends. Jupiter will create the opportunities, perhaps through a friend’s wedding, anniversary or school reunion, and all you need to do is say Yes.
If you have built up a successful business while Jupiter’s been in Scorpio or you’ve been following your vocation, here’s your chance to take what you do out into the wider world and get people on board who can help you. Jupiter in Sagittarius is about gathering people around you, a team or people of like minds who can work alongside you and make life not only easier but more enjoyable and fun too.
Key dates are the 8th when there’s a Moon/Jupiter conjunction and the 26th when there’s a Sun/Jupiter conjunction. Both planetary events feel lucky and celebratory. You are one of the most social signs of the zodiac. Therefore, if you’ve been taking on too much on your own, November’s stars are urging you to reach out and reconnect.
It is important to note, however, that communication planet, Mercury, turns retrograde in Sagittarius on the 17th and remains on go slow until December 6th. So there will be some stops and starts around your social life or close connections. You may want to join a specific group but find you’re unable to at first and have to go on a waiting list.
Mercury teams up with Jupiter on the 27th, an ideal time to learn your lessons around friendship or a group situation. This can be lucky but in a quiet way, internal rather than external. Note that these two planets meet for a second time on December 21st, which is gorgeous for group connections and finding the right people.
This fits with Uranus’ move into Aries on the 6th where it remains until March 6th 2019. Uranus is your co-ruler and Aries is your communication sector. This is about your siblings and neighbours, your local community and new friends. Uranus loves to spring surprises and shake things up. Uranus is after all the planet of reinvention and a chance to start over.