Aquarius November 2017

Aquarius, poppies

Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)

The emphasis on the peak of your horoscope continues this month with important planets in Scorpio and the sector of your chart that rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation.

The Sun is here until the 22nd and the Sun makes only positive planetary aspects this month. It teams up with Neptune in Pisces and your money sector on the 3rd and Pluto in Capricorn and the hidden sector of your chart on the 9th. Trust your intuition when it comes to the big moves and do what feels right for you.

Also, it looks as if you have help at hand this month as the planet of relating, Venus, enters Scorpio on the 7th where it remains throughout November. The most important date here is the 13th because this is when Venus reaches Jupiter, also in Scorpio.

These are the two best planets coming together in your career and success sector and this promises a lot. Look out for someone in a position of influence who can help you or choose this date for an important meeting, interview or pitch. It’s a good idea this month to team up with people who not only inspire you but can help you climb up the career ladder.

As Venus rules love, there’s a strong possibility that you might fall for someone you work with. In fact, it’s through your work or what you do for a living that you’re more likely to encounter love in your life. Keep your options open and notice who’s attracted to you. Also, the Sun is in Scorpio until the 22nd and the Sun is your partner planet, more confirmation that love and business go hand in hand.

The Full Moon on the 4th and the New Moon on the 18th also light up your career sector. During the Full Moon, the Sun in Scorpio opposes the Moon in Taurus and this is about your foundations, doing what’s right so you feel more secure. Having a safe base in your life is important here too as Taurus rules your home and family. You tend to see your situation clearly during the Full Moon and it’s a good time to make key decisions.

The New Moon falls in Scorpio on the 18th so this is an excellent date for launching a project or beginning a new job. The New Moon symbolises new beginnings and the start of a new chapter. Take the initiative during the New Moon and use the forward-moving energy to make swift progress.

This does feel like a big month for you for other reasons. Firstly, a major planetary aspect takes place this month on the 11th and it involves your co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is your traditional planet, representing organisation, discipline and structure. Uranus is your modern planet, representing innovation and genius moves.

These two planets come together in a positive way and this is their third and final encounter. They met before on December 25, 2016, they got together on May 19, 2017 and this is their last connection on November 11, 2017.

Saturn rules the establishment and tradition, whereas Uranus is the rebel and represents new technology. This isn’t about complete change, but instead finding a way to do things differently so you can break free from restriction or make a difference in the world.

Both planets are in people sectors of your chart; Saturn in Sagittarius ruling friends, groups, politics and social alliances and Uranus in Aries ruling communication and new people in your life. Put the two together and this feels radical as if you can further social progress and make a significant move. You might have something to teach or you may choose to be an activist. Whatever calls you, this is your turn in the limelight.

There are other planets too entering Sagittarius this month so friends and groups will play a significant role in your life until the end of the year. One of these planets is communication planet Mercury which enters Sagittarius on the 5th. Mercury remains here until January 10, 2018 because next month, it turns retrograde, i.e. will be on go slow, from December 3rd to the 23rd.

Therefore, this is your month to focus on friendship and to get your group connections working well. Don’t procrastinate but be in touch with old friends or people you find yourself thinking about. If you want to line up some key events over the festive season, get busy now before everyone gets booked up.

The weekend of the 25th/26th is also excellent for social occasions as Mercury first encounters Uranus on the 25th and Saturn a few days later. On the 22nd, the Sun is also in this key sector of your chart. Choose your alliances carefully now because together you can be powerful and crazy, in a good way.

Finally, this month, there are two important planets finishing their tour of Libra and your travel and study sector. Love planet Venus is here until the 7th and action planet Mars remains in Libra throughout November.

So you might still feel the urge to travel, to explore and push back the boundaries of life. Yet it’s here too where you could encounter difficulty or disruption. This is because both Venus and Mars make challenging aspects this month which suggest a detour or an event being postponed or even cancelled.

The first encounter is on the 4th, the day of the Full Moon, when your co-ruler Uranus opposes Venus in Libra. This often represents a split or an unexpected occurrence. Other people could behave strangely or perhaps you’re the one who makes a snap decision. It’s a restless combination.

Then on the 19th, the day after the New Moon, Mars in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn and this is the only planetary aspect that Mars makes all month. Pluto negates what it touches and this feels argumentative, combative. Be careful who you get into a fight with especially if someone offends your principles.

Let go of what’s not working out in your life and perhaps recognise that it’s best to say No to a travel or study option at this time.

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