Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
This is an important month in the year and even though we’re not at the end of 2014, it’s now when you need to make some key decisions.
A lot of this connects to events that took place last month and the areas highlighted for you under the cosmic spotlight are your career, status and vocation. These areas are ruled by the sign Scorpio in your chart.
Think back to October and there were two key dates that were important with regard to your working life. The first was October 4th when Mercury turned retrograde in Scorpio and a few weeks later there was a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Scorpio on October 23rd. Both these events deal with what’s hidden, secrets or truths emerging.
There may have been a dramatic event that’s changed the course of your career or your path in life or it may been have a sudden realisation that dawned on you. Either way, the ground is shifting and it’s vital that you take a long hard look at what you want, where you’re heading and you lay some groundwork for the coming year.
The reason this is so important is because your traditional ruling planet is Saturn and since late 2012, Saturn has been in Scorpio and this sector of your chart. Saturn is rarely light and breezy and in Scorpio it’s been quite a dark influence. You may have been working overtime a lot or been in a position of responsibility that’s tested you and been quite stressful to handle. You may have endured a period of unemployment as Saturn can also represent lack.
This month Saturn ups the ante and this is paving the way for a momentous planetary event at the end of the 2014 which is the fact that Saturn leaves Scorpio on December 23rd. Before it does so, Saturn makes it’s way through the personal planets making three close conjunctions on the 13th, 18th and 26th. Saturn connects with Venus (love), Sun (self) and Mercury (communication) respectively.
So you’re dealing with the theme of endings and bringing matters to completion. Last month’s Solar Eclipse heralded the beginning of the end and tough as it may seem, life’s offering you a chance to do things differently.
The best time to make any big work decision is early in the month before Saturn’s transit gets fully underway. On the 6th there’s a Full Moon that cuts across the Scorpio/Taurus axis of your horoscope focusing on your foundations. Scorpio rules your career and where you’re heading in life and Taurus rules your home, your family and where you come from.
A Full Moon is a time of heightened emotions but the light of the Moon is at it’s brightest and you can see your situation with clarity. This is a good date to make a decision or complete a project which you’ve been working on. Four days after the Full Moon on the 10th, Mercury returns to the place it was in the heavens when it turned retrograde last month and this means that Mercury is out of it’s shadow phase.
If you’ve been waiting to hear information about your career or you’ve been waiting to make up your mind about your next steps, the 10th paves the way. Initiate a meeting, an important conversation, try again for a job that didn’t work out in September or October and let people know what you’re thinking and why. Mercury in Scorpio speaks with passion and conviction and you too can make your point known.
The stars do indicate that you can’t carry on in the same way or manner and that something has to give or come to an end. There’s a second reason for this as Mars, the planet of action, is deep within the sign of Capricorn throughout November, the sign before yours in the zodiac. Capricorn turns your attention inward and it often hints at a time of preparation or gestation. You’re coming to terms with what you want and what you need to do to achieve it.
Mid-month from the 10th – 13th, Mars clashes with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square and Uranus is your modern ruling planet. Uranus is in Aries and your communication sector and this mighty clash of the Titans is urging you to do things differently, especially linked to your communication. It’s about getting rid of what doesn’t work, ditching bad habits, detoxing, decluttering and embracing new technology, new ideas and a fresh way of looking at life.
Your sign is the revolutionary and you’re at your best when you can be a unique individual doing things your way. So look at how you can use the astrology this month to set yourself up for 2015 and start afresh. Where can your voice make a difference? Who needs to hear your ideas? What are you wanting to say that will help you move forward in life?
Finally this month, turn to your friends for love and support, advice and laughter, socialising and good times. This is the welcome balance to the heavier astrological energy as Sagittarius is a fun sign, light and bright and ready for adventure.
Venus, the love planet, enters Sagittarius on the 16th linking love and friendship; the Sun joins Venus on the 22nd and Mercury completes the party on the 28th. The New Moon on the 22nd is brilliant for socialising, a get-together and when Venus trines your ruler Uranus on the 27th, love seeks you out. You may even find that once you’ve made a big decision to stop doing something that’s been stressful or hard work, you feel so much lighter and brighter yourself and ready to embrace life afresh.
Looking forward to clarity this month!