Aquarius (20 January-18 February)
As the month begins you may be in the process of making a big decision that’s going to affect your future career and/or your home and family. This has been triggered by last month’s Solar Eclipse which fell in Taurus, the sign at the base of your chart.
As May begins, both Mercury (communication) and the Sun (self) are in Taurus and on the 3rd and 10th respectively, they are opposed by your ruling planet Saturn.
Saturn’s in your career sector where it’s been since late 2012 and you get nothing for free when Saturn’s in on the act. This is the planet of discipline and responsibility so hard work tends to bring rewards although you often find there’s an imbalance, either an overload or too much work or a drought and too little work.
Your current situation is under harsh focus in the first half of the month and you realise that you can have one thing but not the other. It could be as simple as work v. home and a decision whether to give up work to look after your family. You may be fed up of a long commute or living abroad and want to feel more stable. It may be time for you to start a business from home or you simply feel that your current situation is untenable and something’s got to give.
There’s a lot of soul-searching that goes on in the first two weekends of May but by the time of the Full Moon which cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of your horoscope on the 14th, you’re ready to make your decision. Full Moons bring clarity and reveal what’s hidden.
The light of the Moon is at it’s brightest and it can signify a time of illumination or even revelation. You know what’s got to give, what you want to stay and what can go. There may be some tough decisions to make but you’re on the right track.
This is confirmed as there’s a brilliant planetary aspect between Jupiter and Saturn on the 24th. Jupiter is the protective planet and it’s currently in Cancer, the sign ruling the family, and in your horoscope it highlights your routine and everyday lifestyle.
For some, this is about putting your health and well-being before your career and you make a decision to work part-time or go freelance. Jupiter is the planet of freedom after all. Or it could be news of a job or position that’s perfect for you and a real god-send. Have faith in the month of May and know that your fortunes are on the turn.
Aside from the bigger issues of life, there’s a lot of fun to be had now and you’re in sociable mood. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, Venus, the planet of relating is in Aries from the 3rd-29th and the sector of your chart that rules communication, to-ing and fro-ing, your local community and making new friends.
You feel re-inspired or re-ignited to get back out in the big wide world and make the most of the opportunities close to home whereby you can have fun and connect with like minds. You may want people to chat to or perhaps you’re ready to offer your services to talk to other people who are in need.
Venus in Aries feels flirtatious and once sociable Mercury moves into lively Gemini on the 7th where it remains until the 29th, you’re definitely ready to have more fun. Gemini is a fellow air sign and rules the sector of your chart that includes entertainment, children, creativity and love affairs. Reach out to others and if you’re looking for love, start the conversation moving, sign up to a dating agency or adopt a friendly attitude and see what happens.
Venus and Mercury are engaged in a lively dance this month that includes your co-ruler Uranus and the 15th and 28th look brilliant if you want to meet someone new.
There’s also a New Moon in Gemini on the 28th and New Moons indicate new beginnings. There may be news of a pregnancy or good news about a creative endeavour in which you’re involved. Make a fresh start in life and most importantly make a conscious effort to embrace fun, laughter and good times.
Finally this month there’s a slight blip in the week that falls between 11th-18th May. This is when we get a minor re-run of the Grand Cross which dominated April’s stars and peaked over the Easter weekend.
This time Venus in Aries triggers the Grand Cross planets and it’s most likely that you’ll experience a difference of opinion with someone close or someone you meet. This is about your beliefs which matter to you deeply and you don’t like it if someone challenges what you believe in or goes all out to annoy you or make you look foolish.
It’s likely to be another person who wants to cause trouble in some way or stir things up and your best bet is to take a step back if this happens and not let yourself become overly involved. Keep your emotions detached and deal with the facts and you’ll breeze through the week’s events.