Aquarius (20 January-18 February)
The last few days of January represented a powerful turning point for you with a New Moon in Aquarius symbolising a fresh start and for some of you, you may feel as if your year is finally underway.
In addition, Venus turned direct after six weeks of subterfuge in the most private sector of your chart. Venus is still hidden away to some extent but now she’s moving forward you will feel more sure of your emotions even though perhaps you want to keep your feelings to yourself for now.
Certainly there’s a real chance to gain a depth of understanding with regard to love and relationships and to know what brings you most emotional fulfilment and what makes you happy especially on or around the 25th when Venus teams up with your ruling planet Saturn. This may indicate that you’re ready to end an emotional attachment or you feel ready to commit to a new way of loving.
This is undoubtedly an important month for you with regard to discovering more about your personal goals and needs but also what you want and need when it comes to love. The Sun is in Aquarius until the 18th putting the spotlight on you and on Valentine’s Day, the 14th, there’s a Full Moon that cuts across the Aquarius/Leo axis of the zodiac. This is extremely powerful as a Full Moon highlights relationships and this Full Moon focuses on your relationship axis.
Full Moons can be a time of revelation as the light of the moon is at it’s brightest and you see things more clearly. For some, there may be a proposal of marriage, for others a realisation that what you’re doing with regard to love is right for you and exactly where you need to be.
This Full Moon links back six months to the Full Moon on August 21 2013 and it’s as if you’ve come full circle. What you put in place back then has brought you to this current place in time and hopefully a clear understanding of who you are and what you need to feel loved. If you’re a typical Aquarius, sometimes you live too much in your head and not enough in your heart but this month’s Full Moon will change all that and you’ll be ready to declare your intentions either to yourself or to someone special. It’s a heart-felt moment in time.
Making swift progress won’t come easily in February, however, especially where work and money’s concerned. There are a couple of reasons for this but the main one is the fact that Mercury turns retrograde on the 6th and remains on go slow until the 28th.
Mercury spends only a few days in Pisces and your money sector before turning retrograde so if you do want to get ahead financially or you’re keen to sort out your money situation, jump to it. The first weekend of February has a natural flow where money’s concerned but after that you’re wise to proceed cautiously.
You may experience a change in fortune when Mercury turns retrograde in your cash sector or simply feel that your best strategy is to spend less and save more. If you’re waiting to hear news about a job offer or money-making venture, bide your time and don’t let yourself be rushed. Mercury returns to Pisces mid-March.
The Sun is in Pisces from the 18th onwards but makes only one aspect this month, a close connection with Neptune. This is great for romanticising about money and envisioning what you want but Neptune’s realm has little to do with reality and again suggests that you will have to wait a while longer before you can turn your financial dreams into hard cash.
What you may find is that the most important work you’re doing this month is on yourself. Mercury retrogrades back into your sign of Aquarius on the 13th and this turns your attention inward. Any kind of personal development work is recommended with Mercury on go slow in your sign and the most significant work you can do is inner work.
Add to this the fact that Saturn, your ruler, squares up to the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius on the 11th and 19th respectively and some of you will find that your work and career goals are at odds with your personal ambitions. Saturn in Scorpio is a relentless task master and can either indicate too much work or too little work and there’s rarely a happy medium where Saturn’s concerned.
So take a long hard look at what you do and this month it’s equally important to notice what isn’t working for you as what is. It’s discovering your stumbling blocks, the obstacles in your path that can help you begin to change your situation around.
I would say that this isn’t likely to happen overnight and you will have to be patient but on the 26th there’s a lively aspect between Jupiter in Cancer and your work sector and Uranus in Aries and your communication sector. Uranus is your modern ruling planet and together Jupiter and Uranus are about breaking the rules, taking risks and doing things differently.
Yes, this is a square aspect and potentially tricky but it involves not only your ruling planet but Jupiter in a sign it likes. Throw your dice in the air at the end of the month and see where they land. By then you’ll have a clearer idea of where you’re heading and why.
Jupiter was in Gemini (5th house for Aquarius) in 2012/13. Why does it still take 2 and a half years after that for a romance to blossom?
Jupiter represents sowing seeds but also often brings events to fruition as it remains in one sign for a year. I suspect there are other factors in the birth chart which may be impeding the Jupiter. Hope that helps. best, Sally
Also important is when Jupiter is in the 7th house and Jupiter enters Leo in summer 2014. It often moves a relationship from a love affair/romance to a real partnership.