Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
This is a big month for you, Aquarius, and it starts on the 1st. On this date, Mars, the action planet, is in your previous sign of Capricorn representing endings and makes a supportive aspect to your traditional ruler, Saturn, in Scorpio ruling your career and vocation.
This is such an important aspect as it’s the last one both these planets make before leaving their respective signs. Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on the 5th and Saturn leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on the 23rd.
Mars is the planet of action and energy so this is good news for you over the holiday period and Mars remains in your sign until mid-January 2015. Rev up the pace up life, put your own plans and goals first and do what you want to do.
The big move however is Saturn leaving Scorpio where it’s been since October 2012. Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and when it’s in your career sector, it can represent a lack or a surfeit of work, an overload. It’s often either too much or too little and can feel relentless. So this suggests an important turn-around for you as one year ends and a new year begins. Admittedly, Saturn returns to Scorpio next year from mid-June to mid-September but this is a blip after twenty-six months weighing down on you.
Whether a major project or position of responsibility is coming to an end, whether you’re more than ready to move on after a period of unemployment, this planetary shift indicates the perfect opportunity to release a burden and fly free. You may be more than ready to focus on your personal goals instead of chasing after someone else’s.
Mars in Aquarius is the perfect opportunity to reassess where you’re at and set some new intentions for the year ahead. The 21st is an especially useful date when Mars teams up with Uranus, your modern ruling planet, in Aries, the sign that represents communication in your chart. This is a brilliant day to speak your mind, find your voice, make that important phone call or send that email which is going to make a big difference to your life.
Uranus is the planet of the new, it represents space and freedom and another important planetary configuration this month suggests that you’re on the verge of a new chapter in your life. This is the Uranus-Pluto square which has dominated the heavens since June 2012. Since then, these two mighty Titans have clashed not once but five times and this month they clash again on December 15th for the sixth time. It’s important to know that in a few months time in mid-March 2015 they will clash for the seventh and final time. So this is nearing the end of the whole shebang.
Pluto is in Capricorn, your preceding sign, hidden away in your chart. This can be about secrets, your inner life, things that are confidential and private to you. This part of your chart represents endings and as Pluto is often about loss, this is a symbol for closing the door on the past or letting go of anything that no longer benefits you. Detox, declutter, ditch the dead wood, etc.
At times this whole procedure may be unsettling as that’s the nature of the Uranus-Pluto square but with Uranus your ruler also there and strong and powerful, new beginnings are evident. Change the habits of a lifetime, set yourself new goals, share ideas with others and reach out to your local community to support you and to find friendship.
This month’s stars are lovely and social as December begins and it’s the connections you make with other people that mean the most on the run up to Christmas. Old friends, new friends, networking and connections dominate the planetary activity so say yes to invitations that come your way and go out of your own way to meet up with others.
If you’re looking for love, you’re in luck and Jupiter in your opposite sign of Leo is a positive symbol for romantic happiness. The key to someone’s heart is to show them your own heart and to ensure that you have a strong core of inner happiness. The 4th, 12th and 14th are brilliant for dating, mating and having fun. Plus the Full Moon on the 6th cuts across the Sagittarius/Gemini axis of your chart focusing on friendship and romance.
Christmas Day (25th) looks lively too for you with the Moon in your sign of Aquarius and this is an indication perhaps that you don’t have to do things traditionally this year. Put your own needs first and if you want an unconventional Christmas Day, go for it. This may mean spending it by yourself or helping out at a charity event. You may want to be sociable and visit different friends and fit in family too. Play it your way.
Try not to let the past disturb the present and if there’s something you’d rather avoid talking about on Christmas Day then leave it out of the equation. It’s ok to protect yourself sometimes and to avoid an issue that’s raw or painful for you. The Moon in Aquarius wants to have fun.
New Year’s Eve may be an occasion where you do feel you want to be with family and raise a glass to welcome in the New Year. This is always a time when you’re looking at what to let go of in your life and where you want and need new energy and activities to step in but for you perhaps, more so than most this time around. Be kind to yourself and know that a new chapter is on the way.