Aquarius Monthly Stars August 2014

CoupleAquarius (20 January-18 February)

This mid-year period is shaping up to be something special but you have to raise your game and play with the big boys and girls if you want to make things happen/do things differently. The two main areas under the spotlight are major for you, one is your love life and 1-to-1 relationships and the other is your career and vocation.

Love is under the cosmic spotlight because of Jupiter’s move into your opposite sign of Leo which took place mid-July. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and expansion and at its best brings you happiness and abundance. Jupiter remains in your opposite sign and your relationship sector until August 2015.

Yes, some of you will be getting married or hearing a proposal in the coming year but that’s not the only option. Jupiter is the planet of freedom so you may be cutting ties in a relationship or marriage that’s no longer working for you and Jupiter is a playful energy so some of you will be keen to keep your options open when it comes to love. There are no rules when it comes to relationships.

If you are looking for love or you’re ready to go even deeper into your current relationship, there are numerous opportunities to tie the knot, pop the question or meet someone special. The 2nd looks lively when Mercury, the communication planet, cosies up with Jupiter bringing good news and the chance to start a conversation that can lead to love.

Potentially even better for you is the 8th and 9th when the Sun and Mercury come together in Leo and trine your own ruling planet Uranus. This is the equivalent of a green light for love and being spontaneous pays off. Wear a big smile on your face and initiate a conversation with someone you’re attracted to.

Uranus is in Aries and your communication sector and as it’s the planet of technology, this is a lovely showing for internet dating or meeting someone online. The weekend of the 9th/10th is especially potent for you as the Full Moon falls in your sign of Aquarius and cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis.

This heightens emotions and makes it a potentially passionate weekend for love. Work may be an issue for some perhaps making it hard for you to take the weekend off but ideally you want to be following your own heart and creating connections one-on-one rather than having to kow-tow to someone in a position of authority.

The big news romance wise comes on the 12th when Venus, the planet of love, enters Leo and your relationship sector where she remains throughout the rest of the month. Plan something special with your other half and if you’re looking to meet someone new, don’t be surprised if you meet them at a wedding or anniversary celebration.

The potential best date of the year for your love life is the 18th when Venus and Jupiter connect in the heavens. When Jupiter blesses the Goddess of love, you know that life’s looking up and this combination suggests a joyous and happy time.

If love’s not your thing, then consider who else might be symbolised by the abundance of Jupiter in Leo throughout August. This can be any 1-to-1 relationship whether professional or personal and it’s not a month to go it alone. Turn to an expert if you need advice and allow other people to guide you. Doing things together is going to be a whole lot more fun.

You can’t forget work, however, as you now have two key planets up at the top of your horoscope in the power sign Scorpio. Saturn, your traditional ruling planet, has been there since October 2012 and Saturn either represents lack or a period of hard work. Your work situation may have felt relentless whilst Saturn’s been in this sector of your chart, although Saturn will move on from Scorpio at the end of this year.

Mars in Scorpio throughout the month is adding drive and intensity to the mix as Mars is especially powerful in Scorpio. Mars wants focus and the ability to get things done and Scorpio is the sign of transformation.

You may meet someone through your career who has a powerful effect upon you. Look out for someone in a position of influence who can carry you with them and pass on their knowledge and wisdom.

It’s also a month when you need to show how ambitious you are and if you are already working hard, you may be asked to do more and be the equivalent of a work super-hero. Do pace yourself and don’t go hell for leather especially if you sense that things are coming to a head and you’d perhaps like to be doing things differently.

Mars and Saturn conjoin in the heavens on the 25th, the day of a New Moon in your finance sector, and any work or money-related project has the potential to be extremely successful if it’s initiated towards the end of the month. You will have to negotiate terms well, however, and be willing to step up to the next level.

However, this is only one scenario as Saturn rules endings so for some what takes place at the end of the month will close a door on a work project or job and the decision you make on or around the 25th will reverberate in your life until the end of the year. One way or another, it’s a major turning point or marker in your working life.

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