Aquarius Monthly Stars August 2012

Aquarius Zodiac StampIt’s all about relationships in the month of August whether personal or professional. A powerful Full Moon in Aquarius starts the month on the 2nd and as this Full Moon links with Jupiter, it feels promising and hopeful.

Look out for good news whether this involves a child, a creative project or a love affair. Full Moons are about completion, bringing matters to head, a culmination or achievement and you have much to be proud of.

This is followed by Mercury, planet of communication, turning direct in your opposite sign of Leo on the 8th. Mercury’s been retrograde or on go slow since July 19th and once this planet turns, new information comes to light or you hear news you’ve been waiting for. As the Sun is also in Leo and rules relationships in your chart, this signals a promising time for you if you’re married or in a steady relationship.

There’s a run of green lights this month, clicking on one after the other, that suggest progress and a new sense of direction. Clear and honest communication is the key to better understanding and there’s a real chance to get back on track with a loved one, whether your partner or an ex.

The New Moon on the 17th falls in Leo and is the perfect date for making a fresh start and new beginnings in love. In addition, Mercury teams up with your ruling planet Uranus on the 18th and Jupiter in your romance sector on the 22nd. Both of these meetings are for the 3rd time so a relationship that showed promise late June or early July is back under the cosmic spotlight. Be spontaneous in love, express your feelings, be positive, hopeful and optimistic. If you want to start a family or have another child, speak up. The bolder you are and more you are prepared to wear your heart on your sleeve, the more chance you have of love success.

If love is not on your radar, then think about the other relationships in your life with the people you love and who are close to you, or key individuals such as your coach, therapist, business partner, personal trainer. This is about the promise of all one-to-one relationships, how relationships benefit from honest communication and how brainstorming and talking through your ideas with other people makes things happen in your life and fast.

Your planet Uranus is currently in Aries ruling communication so this is a brilliant month to meet new people, network and share your skills and expertise with others. Expect some light bulb moments and if there’s a chance to work alongside a person you admire, take it. Inspiration and cooperation are key concepts for you this month and there’s a lot going right.

The trickiest period comes on the 15th and 16th when the planet Venus clashes with the Uranus/Pluto square and Mars meets Saturn in the heavens. This indicates a falling out with someone close to you, perhaps with regard to their own plans in life that you don’t agree with. You may find that door’s closed on a travel or study option and this is a disappointment. It could also imply a difference of opinion with someone close or an inability to come to terms with another person’s belief system or values. Be true to who you are but then resolve to put the matter behind you so you can start afresh.

Finally this month, it’s back to business on the 22nd and 23rd respectively when the Sun enters Virgo and your finance sector and action planet Mars enters Scorpio and your career sector. Turn your attention to more practical matters and create some new short term goals for yourself and your work or business. Mars remains in Scorpio until early October and putting extra energy and effort into your career brings reward.

There’s a second Full Moon this month, a blue moon, on the 31st and this is an excellent date to sort out a financial matter. Trust your instincts on this one and make a key decision about money. Dreams and schemes to increase your wealth can come true and the 9th and 26th are positive dates to focus on envisioning what you want in your life and attracting money and abundance to you.

The main message this month, however, is that you can’t do everything on your own and you may be starting to realise that you don’t actually want to. Create a strong support network around you and revitalise your closest relationships. The more enthusiasm you have for your own life, the more people will be attracted to and inspired by you and this creates a cycle of giving, receiving and good will.

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