Aquarius May 2021

Aquarius, monthly horoscopes, Moon

Jupiter & Saturn

May could signify an important turning point in the year’s events, for two reasons. Firstly, big planet Jupiter leaves your star sign Aquarius on the 14th where it’s been since December 2020.

Jupiter is the planet of luck and opportunity, also the planet of freedom. At its best, Jupiter is a breath of fresh air and in your star sign, you sometimes feel more able to chase your dreams and do whatever makes you happy.

Jupiter will return to Aquarius on July 28th but from mid-May onwards, your priorities may shift or change.

In addition, some of you may currently be in a situation that’s testing you or challenging you. This is because your traditional ruler Saturn remains in Aquarius and on the 23rd, Saturn turns retrograde in your star sign.

Again, this indicates a turning point, a need to reorient your compass moving forward. You may have to slow down your plans for a while. Or, perhaps life steps in bringing with it extra responsibility.

Jupiter Enters Pisces

Expansive Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 14th. Jupiter will be here for a couple of months until July 28th and returns to Pisces later this year on December 29th. Pisces represents money in your horoscope, your personal finances, assets and possessions and what you value highly in life. 

Over the course of the next couple of months and into 2022, there may be an opportunity to boost your finances and lead a wealthier or more abundant lifestyle. 

You might start a new money-making venture or sell a property or invest in a new project. You may receive a legacy, gift or bonus or find that things turn in your favour with regard to a financial or legal issue.

One way or another, this indicates that it could be a good time to take a risk financially and expand your earnings. Admittedly, you often need money to make money but consider what this means for you.

Family & Fun

This could link in to what’s happening concerning your home and family or a property matter. Up until the 20th, the Sun is in the star sign Taurus ruling these areas of your life and your connection to your roots, your past.

Plus, your co-ruler Uranus remains in Taurus and this is where life is likely to be exciting, although probably not stable. Events that kicked in during last month’s Full Moon on April 27th may be the trigger or catalyst for change.

If you want to set something new in motion, choose the New Moon in Taurus on the 11th. New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings and this New Moon is a great date to start a project, especially if it’s home or family related.

Throughout May, there’s another important influence taking place as the inner planets move through your fellow air sign Gemini. Gemini represents all the good things in life, such as romance, children, creative projects, entertainment and fun.

Whatever else is going on in your life, it’s important that you have an outlet for your social nature. Alternatively, consider what you want to create or bring into beginning during the next couple of months.

Lunar Eclipse/Mercury Retrograde

The end of the month could prove tricky, however, for two reasons. Firstly, there’s a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse on the 26th which cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac.

Plus, three days later on the 29th, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini and will remain on go slow until June 22nd. Both these events signify a need to do things differently.

The Lunar Eclipse is part of the eclipse cycle which began in June 2020 and completes in December 2021. Therefore, you may already know what this eclipse cycle is about for you.

Eclipses can be dramatic and the drama could involve a love affair, a crisis with a friend or issues concerning a child. Be ready to step in if needed and be clear about your motivations when it comes to love and romance.

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