Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)
It’s a lively start to the month for you. Communication planet, Mercury, is in Aries and your communication zone until the 6th. Mercury’s joined here by the planet of relating, Venus, until the 15th.
Community Matters
Aries is a speedy sign, forthright and direct. It might be hard to hold back during the start of May. Instead, you’re ready to speak up and find your voice. Community matters too as both Mercury and Venus are social planets. If you’re looking to network or sell, think about how you can tap in to your local community to find contacts and connections.
Also, notice who or what is holding you back. Saturn, your traditional ruler, is currently in Capricorn and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. It’s here along with Pluto, the planet that dives in deep.
These two planets turn your attention inwards and towards the past. They can be a gloomy, unhelpful influence if you find yourself stuck or unable to move. Take care you don’t end up listening to your inner critic if s/he turns out to be harsh and unsupportive.
Inner Demons
This influence is useful if you harness it constructively and focus on personal development and inner transformation. In this way, you may get rid of demons or negative vibes that hold you back.
Saturn and Pluto are strongest on the 1st & 2nd, the 7th & 9th. On these dates, you may encounter opposition from other people. Choose your companions wisely and veer away from anyone who drags you down. It’s one thing to be there for other people and to help when you can. It’s another to end up feeling swamped by another’s person’s challenging emotions.
Also, you have Jupiter, the planet of positive vibes, currently in Sagittarius and your friendship and group sector. Therefore, it looks as if you have plenty of people in your life now who are good for you and boost your spirits. Line up something social and fun for the first weekend in May, as this is when Jupiter’s influence is strong.
Play Time
As May begins, the focus is on play rather than work and it’s here where you’re wise to focus your energy. Action planet, Mars, is in Gemini and your fellow air sign until the 21st. This highlights the sector of your horoscope that rules romance and love affairs, children and pregnancy, entertainment and fun.
You’re at your best when you’re involved in high jinks and good times, so make the most of this vibe and throw yourself into life.
If you’re looking for love, events could move swiftly while Mars is in Gemini and again on or close to the 21st. This is the date when both the Sun and talk planet Mercury enter Gemini and immediately make a super conjunction. It would be a great time to ask someone out on a date or sign up to an online dating site.
There’s humour and lightness in this whole combination so seek out laughter and comedy and be around people who are good for you. Children are included here, younger people, teenagers. Line up some social events, throw a party.
Group Connections
This whole planetary vibe is ideal for joining in with other people, whatever your chosen goal. This is not a month to go it alone. Instead, there are huge benefits from teaming up with others, whether in the name of a good cause or to further yourself in some way.
If you’re a typical Aquarius, you navigate towards groups and playing your part within society, activism, politics, the world. This is where great fulfilment, purpose and meaning can be found.
Events at home and within your family are also notable this month. The inner planets make their way steadily through Taurus, the star sign at the base of your horoscope. The New Moon on the 4th falls in Taurus, an excellent date for new beginnings, catching up with family, finding someone new to live.
Uranus & The Lure of the New
Also, there’s a theme of the new when it comes to these areas of your life, thanks to your co-ruler, Uranus. In March, Uranus took up residence in Taurus and remains here for the next seven years. This can sometimes feel rootless and gets you ready for change. Other times, external events kick in and you find yourself on the move unexpectedly.
Uranus is strong this month on the 8th, 18th and 22nd. These are dates to plan accordingly, whether you’re surprising someone in your family or you check out a new home on a whim. Your living situation could change suddenly or perhaps, you choose to move into a commune or a collective living space.
When Uranus is in the mix, anything goes and you’re more likely to enjoy an unconventional or alternative style of living.
Career Crossroads
New developments at work could be one reason why you’re thinking of or having to change where you live. Action planet Mars moves into Cancer and your work and lifestyle sector on the 16th. Plus, two days later, the Full Moon falls in Scorpio and your career sector.
This whole combination feels lively, thanks to Uranus once again. See what opportunities come your way and think outside of the box when it comes to your career and vocation. You might find yourself at a crossroads now and have more than one option ahead of you. If anything, you’re likely to choose the path which gives you more freedom and space in your life.