Aquarius March 2018

Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)

The focus is on work and money matters as March gets underway. In fact, this could be a pivotal time for you with regard to your work and career, your future path and where you’re heading in life.

Since October 2017, big planet Jupiter has been in Scorpio and your career and vocation sector where it remains until November 2018. This isn’t quite the half-way point of Jupiter in your career zone but this month feels significant because Jupiter switches direction on the 9th.

In fact, Jupiter hardly moves at all this month so it’s emphasised in your horoscope and working hand-in-hand with faster-moving planets in Pisces and your money sector. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck and good fortune. It represents risk-taking and visionary goals.

Add to this the fact that, on the 1st & 2nd and again on the 13th, Jupiter’s in flow and you’re wise to benefit from the current wave of positive planetary activity highlighting your career and finances.

These are practical sectors of your horoscope but it’s not a logical or practical approach that pays off now. Certainly, you’re wise to keep close tabs on your money especially early in the month but trust your intuition too and listen out for hunches and coincidences.

Practise the law of attraction and believe that what you give you will receive in return. The less egotistical you are around money, the more in flow you’re likely to be.

The Full Moon on the 2nd and the New Moon on the 17th both light up the signs Virgo and Pisces and the financial axis of your zodiac. The Full Moon on the 2nd is a good date to finalise a financial agreement, employ an adviser or accountant and balance the books.

The New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and it falls in Pisces and your personal money sector. This is an excellent date to launch a new financial initiative, improve your income or earnings and be clever with your cash.

This is also going to be a lively month on the people front and there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, on the 6th, the social planets Mercury and Venus move into fire sign Aries and your communication sector.

This is an ideal time to get out in your local community, make new friends, visit new places and use your networks and connections. It’s often a busy time of year when the personal planets move through Aries, whether you’re catching up with old and new friends or you have other reasons to widen your network.

If you’re involved in sales, marketing or online media, this can be an exciting time for you. Note the 11th in particular when your co-ruler Uranus teams up with active Mars in Sagittarius. This is great for promotion, being persuasive or issuing a rallying cry.

Together Mars and Uranus represent the activist, which taps into your humanitarian and egalitarian nature. You can work at bringing people together this month, whatever your cause. You’re fired up and ready for action.

Another top date is the 20th, the day of the Equinox when the Sun joins the battle in Aries. This is the start of a new zodiac cycle and in the northern hemisphere it coincides with the onset of spring. It’s a passionate time of year for you when you’re ready to make a fresh start and put energy into your life.

You may be keen to go back to school, learn something new and improve your qualifications and knowledge. This might come about because you realise you’re lacking in a certain area and you need to update your skills or you recognise that you want to learn more.

If this is the case, it’s important to pace yourself and not try and do everything at once. Your traditional ruler Saturn clashes with key planets on the 11th, 13th and 29th. Prioritise your well-being during these dates and don’t beat yourself up or let fear or doubt take hold.

You might not like it if other people outwit you or outtalk you at times during the latter half of the month, but learn from your experiences and don’t give up.

Action planet Mars has its part to play here because, on the 17th, Mars moves into Capricorn and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. It remains here until mid-May when it then takes up residence in your star sign Aquarius.

Mars in Capricorn often indicates a time of preparation or research for you. It’s important to channel any anger or difficult emotions constructively and not be hard on yourself or others. Have fun this month but don’t go over the top and forget to look after yourself.

Plus, on the 23rd, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Aries and your communication sector. Ensure you back up important files before this date. Mercury remains on go slow until April 15th and this is a significant turning point as the following day there’s a New Moon in Aries on April 16th.

So use this timing to plan ahead. Mercury retrograde is great for going over old business and you can use it effectively to review and reflect, research and rethink. Talk to old contacts during this phase and find out what you need to know before you relaunch your ideas/book/project mid-April.

The last few days of March could be particularly joyful as love planet Venus connects with your co-ruler Uranus on the 29th. This feels flirtatious and fun. Also, two days later, there’s a second Full Moon in the month, a Blue Moon, which cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac. A sudden decision to travel somewhere new could not only be delightful but bring love into your life too.

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