Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
Action planet Mars is now moving in direct motion after 10 weeks retrograde or on go slow. This is important for you because Mars is in Scorpio, the sign at the top of your chart, ruling your career and vocation, your future and where you’re heading in life.
This is a powerful Mars, passionate and ambitious, and it indicates that July is a go-for-it month when you’re wise to focus on your career and what you want out of life. You might have to be ruthless to achieve your aims however and it is important to stay focused on yourself and your own personal aims.
Mars in Scorpio is a concentrated energy which works best when you keep your head down, focus on one important goal and refuse to give up. Step into your power during this Mars Scorpio phase and you can achieve great things.
This Mars transit links back to the first two months in the year when Mars was previously in Scorpio. In fact, Mars is currently retracing its steps through the zodiac and it’s back where it was in the second half of February. So think back to this time and what you were trying to achieve. Did you lose your way or can you pick up again where you left off?
For some, this relates directly to work and career matters and for others, it’s about a position of responsibility or leadership. Either way, you’re being called to take a step up in life and act on your beliefs.
As July begins, three of the personal planets, the Sun (identity), Mercury (communication) and Venus (relating) are all in the water sign Cancer ruling your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. These planets are in an easy flow with Mars in Scorpio and your career sector and Neptune in Pisces and your money sector.
This indicates that you can move things forward the way you choose this month and create a lifestyle or find the job that works for you. Teamwork will help you achieve your chosen goals and working together with other people towards a common goal. Money can make a difference too whether you’re fundraising or pooling resources.
The Full Moon on the 19th picks up the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac and again your lifestyle and routine are under the cosmic spotlight. It’s no good being ambitious if this means you put yourself under too much stress. It’s no good working hard if you don’t also look after your health.
If there are any issues around these areas, they are most likely to be noticeable during the Full Moon period. This is a time when the light of the Moon is at its brightest and you see your situation clearly. Make any key decisions during this time which are right for you and put your well-being and health first.
Next month will be a key month for you with regard to money matters when there’s a chance to benefit from someone else’s generosity or to make money from a joint venture, business or property move.
Before then, you need to let go of something that’s holding you back and this can include your mindset or your attitude to life. Again this will become clear not only during the Full Moon period but around the 29th when your ruling planet Uranus turns retrograde in the heavens.
Uranus is currently in Aries and your communication sector and this indicates a change of thinking, letting go of whatever is no longer working for you. In fact, old ways of thinking are out and you have to embrace what’s new, a sense of change.
Update the way you communicate to help you during this process whether you embrace new technology or you’re open-minded to new ways of thinking.
Love too is under the cosmic spotlight this month once the personal planets enter Leo and your relationship sector. The first planet is Venus on the 12th followed by Mercury on the 14th and finally the Sun on the 22nd.
Leo is your opposite sign and rules your relationship sector. This is about all your 1-to-1’s, both personal and professional, and it suggests a glorious time for love. Venus remains in Leo until the beginning of next month so make the most of the love planet in your relationship sign.
If you’re in a relationship or married, be demonstrative and generous in your loving. Open your heart and let someone close know how you feel. Your co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus, both embrace these planets in Leo and this indicates a time of togetherness when you can strike out and make a proposal or promise your commitment.
If you’re looking for love, the second half of July is brilliant for meeting someone new. You might not have to go far to find love either and someone in your social circle could be the person you’re looking for. There’s a link to neighbours and your local community as well.
Even if love’s not your thing right now, know that partnership and forging alliances is the way forward. Create a strong community around you and do whatever you can to feel connected to the people you live close to and who you work with on a daily basis.
There’s a real opportunity for you to build new relationships in your life now which will benefit you for years to come. Together you’re stronger and getting to know new people in your life will bring happiness and fun your way.