Aquarius January 2018

January 2018

Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)

The theme ‘out with the old and in with the new’ is particularly pertinent to you as one year ends and a new year begins. At the end of December during the Solstice, your traditional ruling planet Saturn entered Capricorn and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.

This is about preparation and paving for the way for some truly remarkable success in three years time, if you make the right moves. Or it’s a sign to switch off, turn away from the world for a short while and retreat.

Fast-track to the start of January 2018 and your co-ruler Uranus is in dynamic form. In fact, it switches around on the 2nd from retrograde to direct motion, i.e. from slowing down it starts to speed up quickly making swift progress.

Saturn’s theme is about endings, the past and paring back while Uranus’ theme is the opposite, i.e. it represents all things new and innovative. It’s linked to the modern world and technology. So you go from quiet to busy, melancholy to excitement, a lack of inspiration to fizzing ideas and brilliance.

Notice what ideas pop into your head in the first week of January, because they could be seriously genius. The 6th is another date to note when mind planet, Mercury, and Uranus combine and the synapses of your brain are moving at warp speed. A brilliant date for a workshop, course or brainstorming.

Early January is also a good time to rethink your friendships or group connections. This is because communication planet Mercury retraces its steps through Sagittarius and this sector of your horoscope ,up until the 11th.

Whatever took place late November/early December 2017 can now be revisited and, perhaps, you’re ready to talk or make amends. Certainly, it’s important to know where your alliances lie early in the month as you’re going to need friends on your side and networks of influence in your career. You’re going places in 2018 and lining up the right people in your life will help you tremendously.

Action planet Mars also enters Sagittarius on the 26th where it remains until March 17th. Do the groundwork early in January, however, and approach a club or society you want to join or sort things out with a current friendship group.

The reason why this is such a big year for you is because big planet Jupiter is now in Scorpio and your career and vocation sector, where it remains until December 2018. This month is a go-for-it period, because action planet Mars is also in Scorpio until the 26th.

In fact, these two planets, Mars and Jupiter, come together in Scorpio on the 7th. This combination is enthusiastic and fervent, full of vigour and noise. Jump to it early in the month and make the most of any opportunities that come your way.

Admittedly, one position, role or career move may mean you have to let go of a part of your past that mattered to you greatly. Notice where you’re at from the 7th to the 10th as this is when the planetary dynamic is most intense. Let go of what’s not working out, so you can create space and room for new exciting work and career projects. If you can improve your status and reputation, this is also a good time to do so.

There’s a major planetary aspect on the 16th between Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the transformation planet and it’s been in the most hidden sector of your horoscope for a long time, ten years to be exact.

Working together, Jupiter and Pluto can help you transform your situation completely as long as you have hope and faith. To make the most of this month’s astrology, it’s important to make bold and audacious moves and believe that anything’s possible.

Tap into your natural instincts and listen to your inner voice. Your situation is changing and it’s vital that you do what’s right for your health and well-being. The Full Moon on the 2nd and the New Moon on the 17th light up the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. Focus on your spiritual health this month and look at ways you can be of service to others.

The trickiest astrology this month takes place on the 13th/14th when your co-ruler Uranus clashes with the Sun and Venus in the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Uranus in conflict means that your intuition is off and it’s not a good time to take risks. Also, be careful what you say Yes to or even what you say, as it could have a detrimental effect upon you.

This is particularly important because the personal planets begin to enter your sign of Aquarius from the 18th onwards. The spotlight’s on you and the stronger your reputation, the better. Love planet Venus is the first to enter Aquarius on the 18th, followed closely by the Sun on the 20th, heralding your birthday month.

Put yourself first and clean up your image or profile. Let the world see who you are and what you have to offer. February is a pivotal month in this respect.

Love too is under the cosmic spotlight once Venus is in your star sign and events at the end of January could prove dramatic. This is because on the 31st, there’s a second Full Moon in January which is a Lunar Eclipse that cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac.

This is part of a bigger cycle that began in August 2016 and completes in January 2019. Eclipses often coincide with dramatic events, sudden beginnings or endings. It may be that you’re having to consider how your personal life impacts on your professional life or vice versa. Either way, it’s an exciting yet decisive time for love.

5 thoughts on “Aquarius January 2018”

    1. It depends on how the planets connect in your birth chart and where they are in your birth chart. With Pluto there are often themes of endings or letting go, clearing out in some way. It’s also about relationships for you, both personal and professional. In solar astrology, the eclipse highlights Aquarius – you and Leo – the other in your chart. In some way, the eclipse totally changes the dynamics of a relationship. Hope that helps.

  1. Im Aquarius, husband Leo. In the cycle which started on Aug 6 I conceived around Aug 21 (close to Aquarius Leo Lunar and Solar Eclipses 2016) and had pre-term labour on 18th Jan and lost the twin babies. Jan 31and Feb 15 2018 there’s Aquarius-Leo Lunar and Solar eclipses. Could it have been the Eclipse impact? Again there’s next set in July and Aug 2018 and another in Jan 2019. So if I conceive again in 2018 will I have same fate? Or should I wait till Feb 2019 to try again?

    1. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I wouldn’t want to answer your question without taking your whole birth chart into account and your husband’s birth chart too. Fertility and pregnancy issues can be complex and there’s usually more to consider than just one planetary factor. I have had good success with IVF clients in particular and selecting positive dates for treatment. I would advise you to have a full astrology consultation considering your situation. Sending best wishes.

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