Aquarius Horoscope March 2022

Aquarius horoscope March 2022, spring

Pisces Season

The cosmic spotlight is on money as March gets underway. This is Pisces season and Pisces rules your personal money sector. It’s not only about money, also your assets and possessions, your values and self-worth.

The New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and it falls in Pisces on the 2nd. This would be a good date to launch a financial initiative, to help improve your income or boost your earnings. Be cash savvy.

This is a special New Moon as it pulls in two big planets, Jupiter and Neptune. There’s a Sun-Jupiter conjunction on the 5th, one of the luckiest dates of the year, and a Sun-Neptune conjunction on the 13th. This is a preview of the epic Jupiter-Neptune conjunction that takes place next month on April 12th.

Jupiter and Neptune are a protective, caring and charitable influence. This may be a time when you receive a gift of money. Or, perhaps you’re the one who’s in a position to help others. You may be involved in a fund-raising event or be keen to reach out and help those less fortunate than yourself.

In particular, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck and good fortune. It represents risk-taking and visionary goals. It’s an ideal time to play big. When Jupiter’s in flow, you may benefit from the current wave of positive planetary activity highlighting your finance sector.

The Full Moon on the 18th also cuts across the Virgo-Pisces axis of the zodiac and the financial axis of your horoscope. This would be a good date to finalise a financial agreement, employ an adviser or accountant and balance the books.

Yet, it’s not a logical or practical approach that may pay off. Certainly, you’re wise to keep close tabs on your money but trust your intuition and listen out for hunches and coincidences. Practise the law of attraction and believe that what you give you receive in return. The less egotistical you are around money, the more in flow you’re likely to be.

There is one proviso, however, thanks to Neptune. When Neptune’s active on the 13th & 23rd, this is a time to be wary of scams or scandal. Yes, Neptune’s influence can be linked to miracles but it can work either way. Be cash savvy and don’t let anyone pull the wool over your eyes.

A Fresh Start

There are a couple of reasons why this is an excellent month for a fresh start. Firstly, an important cycle is completing on the 3rd. This is the day of the Venus-Mars-Pluto triple conjunction in Capricorn and one of the most hidden sectors of your horoscope.

This could coincide with the end of a love affair or unrequited love as Venus and Mars are the relationship planets. There’s a theme of endings or loss when Pluto’s involved.

This doesn’t always have to be sad or challenging and you may be more than happy to close the door on events of the last couple of years. Engage in any form of decluttering, detoxing or sweeping out old energy to make room for something new.

This is important because Venus and Mars, the relationship planets, enter your star sign Aquarius together on the 6th and immediately unite. This could be a significant date for you when it comes to love. Or, perhaps you’re signing a contract or firming up a business partnership.

The relationship planets continue side-by-side in Aquarius throughout the rest of the month. Mars gives you drive and ambition and Venus gets the right people on your side. It’s a good time to focus on your personal goals and aims, your image and profile.

The trickiest period may be from the 19th to 22nd when your co-ruler Uranus clashes with Venus and Mars. This isn’t the best time to be a rebel, unless you’re ready for the consequences. You might make a break for freedom or choose to take an independent step away from your past.

Letting go could be the right thing to do, however hard it may feel. Your traditional ruler Saturn teams up with Venus on the 28th, a date when you may get a sense of what the future holds. This could be the time to commit to a new partnership. Or, firm up your financial security. Do what feels right for you. Events on or around the 2nd could also prove pivotal when talk planet Mercury teams up with Saturn, also in Aquarius.


Your star sign Aquarius is social and linked to the collective. Having the relationship planets here indicates that there’s power in numbers. You may join a protest this month. Or, be keen to do more within your local community.

This is the theme of the Sun’s move into Aries on the 20th, the day of the Equinox. It’s the start of a new zodiac cycle and coincides with the onset of spring in the northern hemisphere. You may feel more passionate about life when the Sun’s in Aries, a symbol of a fresh start.

Aries represents your communication sector which is why you’re wise to get out in your local community, make new friends, visit new places and use your networks and connections to good effect.

This can be a busy time of year for you and talk planet Mercury joins the Sun in Aries on the 27th. If you’re involved in sales, marketing or online media, this could be an exciting and fast-paced period. 

You might be keen to go back to school, learn something new and improve your qualifications and knowledge. You could decide to learn a new language so you can communicate with more people. It’s an ideal time to update your skills both on- and off-line.

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