Happy New Year
You always have to wait until late January for your birthday season to kick in. This year, the Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th. Up until then, the Sun’s hidden away in your horoscope in earth sign Capricorn. Plus, with two key planets retrograde, it’s important to do your inner work and review the year that’s gone before rushing head-long into 2023.
You may be ready to close the door on your past and this could include ending a relationship or partnership that’s no longer working for you. This could be personal, professional or someone you’ve known for a long time.
Whatever happens on or around the start of the year could prove definitive. Alternatively, it may be someone in your life who closes the door and moves on.
Full Moon/Mercury Direct
Also this month, there’s a powerful Full Moon cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac on the 6th. This highlights work and health in your horoscope, rest and retreat. You might be considering what’s best for you moving forward and be reassessing your lifestyle, your habits and everyday routine.
There are a few indicators that you might be ready to break free from a routine or job that’s grown mundane or isn’t fulfilling you the way it used to.
The planet that’s liveliest during the Full Moon weekend is your co-ruler Uranus in Taurus. Uranus likes to spring surprises and you could put your health or well-being first by releasing a stressful situation.
Notice what ideas or conversations you have during the Full Moon phase and get ready to let go or move on once key planets are back up to speed. You may be changing things around at home or be ready to put family first.
Turning Points
There are a sequence of turning points this month. Firstly, action planet Mars turns direct in your fellow air sign Gemini on the 12th. Gemini rules all the good things in your life, like play, romance, children & pregnancy, entertainment and fun.
Mars spends approximately ten weeks retrograde and started its go slow phase on October 30, 2022. Someone may have gone quiet on you during this period. Or, perhaps you’ve been unsure of your feelings towards someone else. It may have been all work and no play in your life. Or, perhaps you’ve grown bored of a hobby or regular social activity.
Either way, once Mars switches direction, you might rediscover your passion and enthusiasm. You may already know what this means for you. Something may be shifting within you, wanting to be heard, calling for your emotional or inner needs to be met. The 30th could be a stand-out date in this respect.
The next planet to turn direct is the planet of communication Mercury. Mercury turned retrograde in Capricorn, the star sign before yours, on December 29, 2022. You may have sensed yourself turning inwards as this is a deeply reflective Mercury retrograde phase for you.
Once Mercury turns direct on the 18th, this could be a time when news or information comes to light that’s a revelation. Don’t rush the process if you sense that you’re changing on an inner level.
Aquarius Time
Yet, this doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be out in the world. Aquarius is your star sign and from the 3rd to the 27th, the planet of relating Venus is here. This is a reminder to love yourself first.
Do the inner work and then you can make the most of Venus gracing your star sign. This is often a period when you experience more love in your life as Venus is the planet of love.
The Sun’s move into Aquarius on the 20th is the start of your birthday month. This turns your focus towards yourself and your personal goals and aims. It’s about you out in the world, where you’re heading and why.
Immediately after the Sun’s move into your star sign, there’s a New Moon here on the 21st, a symbol of new beginnings. Plus, both your ruling planets are in action during this New Moon phase. There’s a Venus-Saturn conjunction on the 22nd, a symbol of commitment.
And, your co-ruler Uranus turns direct in Taurus and your home and family sector on the same date. Therefore, it’s not all about you this month. It feels as if your close relationships and your family ties are going to play a significant role in your choices moving forwards.
Also, lucky Jupiter is in action on the 4th & 25th. Look out for new opportunities or news on or around these dates as Jupiter represents expansion and growth.
Your star sign Aquarius is linked to modern technology so you may find your voice online. Alternatively, you could decide to play your part within society, politics or the collective.
This year’s astrology is about the future, not only for yourself but for the world as well. You may have a unique role to play moving forward.
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