Aquarius Horoscope January 2022

Please note that due to personal reasons this month’s horoscopes are shorter than usual. I will hopefully be able to extend them later in January if all goes well. Here’s wishing you a very Happy New Year.

Aquarius horoscope January 2022

2022 Horoscopes

Astrology has been an invaluable guide over the last two years, helping to bring a different perspective to what’s happening in the world. And, helping you try to navigate your way forward as best you can. 

In my popular eBook, 2022 Horoscopes, I not only write informative & comprehensive horoscopes for you but share with you my thoughts and ideas on the major astrology of the year ahead.  

If you want to know what’s coming and use the timing of astrology to help you plan ahead, this is for you. You can order your copy here: 2022 Horoscopes. Current price: £22

If you order your copy before the New Moon on January 2nd, you’ll be entered into a competition to win an astrology reading or annual subscription to my weekly astrology newsletter.

New Moon [12 Capricorn 20] – January 2nd (18:33 GMT)

Full Moon [27 Cancer 51] – January 17th (23:48 GMT)

Venus Retrograde

As January gets underway, there’s no need to rush. Venus, the planet ruling love & pleasure, art & beauty is not only retrograde, i.e. on go slow until the 29th but is in Capricorn and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.

Planets in Capricorn represent rest & retreat for you, learning to relax and take the pace slow. This is especially important if your mind is unusually busy. 

Retrograde planets turn your attention inwards. Sometimes, you have to slow down the pace ready or not. Your inner world may be unusually fertile and rich and requires an outlet.

Romance may be one option but with Venus in elusive mood, it’s best not to make assumptions or base your decisions on what’s happening. Keep love light & go with the flow. If you’re unsure of your own mind, don’t rush into making a key decision.

Mercury Retrograde

You have quite a lot of power this month especially once talk planet Mercury enters your star sign Aquarius on the 2nd. However, it’s important to know that Mercury also turns retrograde on the 14th.

This can flag up a time for renegotiations, trying again where you failed in the past. Mercury retrograde phases are ideal for the re-words, i.e. review or revise your plans or your current situation.

This is about choosing your allies wisely too. Get the right people on your side or on your team. If you’re wanting to launch a big event or start something new, consider all your options and plan for the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st.

– In many respects, this is a slow start to the year and you may discover that you can only really get going in February. The Sun’s move into your star sign Aquarius on the 20th could be a turning point but more likely February will bring more opportunities your way.

For now, lean on your friends and ensure you have a strong support network around you. Action planet Mars is in Sagittarius and your friendship and group sector until the 24th. This is where strength lies. Even at home or within your family, there could be a surprise when your co-ruler Uranus switches direction on the 18th.

Weekly Horoscopes

If you would like to receive weekly horoscopes so you know what to expect & keep up-to-date with the latest astrology, you can join my subscription service here: Weekly Horoscopes. Be in flow so you can plan ahead.

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