The Sun is in your star sign Aquarius up until the 18th which means it’s happy birthday month for many of you. When the Sun is in your sign, it’s time to shine, to put your needs first. Planets in Aquarius highlight your personal aims and goals, your image and profile, how the world sees you.
New Beginnings
There’s a New Moon in your star sign on the 1st, a symbol of new beginnings. This quite a complex New Moon, however, because it pulls in your ruling planets Saturn and Uranus. You may be torn between doing the right thing or breaking free, whatever this means for you personally. You might be aware who or what you’re leaving behind when you start something new.
Talk planet Mercury also returns to Aquarius on the 14th. Therefore, Valentines day feels friendly rather than romantic. You may have a lot to talk about or you may be returning to a topic or subject from the past. There may be a lot to review or discuss, to debate or discern. The theme of second chances often plays out when Mercury retraces its steps through the zodiac.
The Full Moon is also significant on the 16th. Full Moons are traditionally a time for celebration and this Full Moon could be spectacular for love. This is because it falls in Leo, your opposite star sign. Make the most of this celebratory planetary energy and do something special with the one you love. It’s a strong Full Moon for all forms of partnership, collaborations and joint ventures.
Preparation & Hidden Themes
There’s another theme, however, running through February that’s more hidden and less out in the open. This is due to the strong emphasis on Capricorn, the star sign before Aquarius. A key turning point comes on the 4th when communication planet Mercury turns direct here.
Notice what information or truths come to light on or around the 4th. You might be ready to return to a subject or topic that’s personal or sensitive.
Mercury’s not the only planet in Capricorn either as action planet Mars is here throughout February. Mars in Capricorn often indicates a time of preparation or research for you. It’s important to channel any anger or difficult emotions constructively and not be hard on yourself or others. Have fun this month but don’t go over the top and forget to look after yourself.
Mars is in Capricorn alongside Venus, the planet of relating. The lovers of the heavens unite here on the 16th, the day of the Full Moon. This is about partnership and this could be linked to your past, for example a benefactor or guardian.
Alternatively, it may flag up a love relationship but one that’s private or hidden, a secret liaison. Perhaps, you have feelings for someone close that are unrequited. Don’t be tempted to rush into a new relationship if you’re not ready. Events early March could be significant. Only then will you know whether a long-term relationship has legs.
There’s another strong planetary influence this month as one of the major aspects of 2022 takes place on the 18th. On the day that the Sun enters Pisces, big planet Jupiter in Pisces aligns with Uranus in Taurus. These two planets are entrepreneurial and freedom-loving. They represent breakthroughs and leaps of faith.
Jupiter is the biggest and best planet in astrology and in Pisces, this flags up money and finances, values and self-worth. Uranus is your co-ruler, currently in Taurus at the base of your horoscope. In your horoscope, Taurus rules your home and family, your past and where you come from.
You may already know where these areas of life are flexible or shifting. Sometimes when Uranus is active, external events step in to bring about change. Certainly, this is likely to be a period in your life when you feel more restless than usual.
Look at new ways of living, whether this is about sustainability, eco-living or community, down-sizing, sharing where you live or letting go of ties that bind you. There may be financial reasons too, why you’re ready to explore new options around home and family affairs.
Mercury Turning Direct
Here are some guidelines for when the communication planet is moving in the right direction after the 4th:
- try again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
- sort out any misunderstandings
- consider what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
- initiate a conversation, re-open the lines of communication
- write a list – keep it short & deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
- handle any technological or transport issues
- plug back in & renew your energy & focus
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