Mars & Saturn
The planet of action Mars is in your star sign Aquarius until the 15th. This puts the emphasis on your personal goals and aims, your image and profile. Mars is the physical planet so it’s a good time to prioritise your health and fitness.
As April begins, Mars and Saturn are close together in the zodiac both in your star sign. Saturn is your ruling planet and Mars and Saturn make an exact conjunction on the 5th.
This could feel tough, weighty or even a burden. Mars is speedy and fast, whereas Saturn is slow and steady. Immediately, there’s a mismatch of planetary energies fighting one another.
Therefore, pace yourself as the month begins and do whatever you can not to slip into negativity. Stay upbeat, be determined and dig deep. If you are starting April confronting a personal issue or challenge, know that once Mars moves away from Saturn, then you’ll have more motivation and energy to deal with things.
Mars in Aquarius is the activist, courageous and bold. It’s important to note that the Mars-Saturn conjunction can work both ways if you allow Mars to be the stronger of the two planets. You may make a stand for something you believe in or refuse to give up the fight, whatever this means for you personally.
Aries & Communication
Also as April begins, there’s strong emphasis on the fire sign Aries and your communication sector. The Sun’s here until the 20th and talk planet Mercury is in Aries up until the 11th. Therefore, it’s important to reach out to others, to connect, talk and brainstorm new ideas.
There’s a New Moon here on the 1st, a symbol of new beginnings. You may find that you start the month ready to get things moving and it’s a positive period to take the initiative and set your intentions. Listen out for a sign or coincidence that points you in the right direction during the first weekend of April.
Aries rules siblings and neighbours in your horoscope, also your local community. These are the areas of your life to be active in and make things happen. It’s positive astrology for both the written and spoken word.
Your star sign Aquarius represents society and community, collaborative ventures and future trends. You may be at the forefront of new inventions this month, new ways of benefiting society. Join in with other people to make a difference.
The Full Moon on the 16th is powerful too. It falls in Libra and cuts across the travel and education sectors of your horoscope. You may choose to study something new, to update your skills or qualifications. Keep your eye on the future and do what you can to stay connected and keep learning.
You may find that you can ditch a bad habit during the Full Moon or release an issue that’s holding you back. It may take courage to dive deep into a personal situation but do whatever’s necessary so you can be free to move on.
Big Money
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction takes place in Pisces on the 12th, your personal money sector. Jupiter and Neptune together conjure up the theme of big dreams. It’s a charitable influence, linked to miracles and revelation.
Perhaps, you’re the one receiving a payout on or around the middle of the month. Or, you’re making a significant investment and helping a charitable organisation.
There is a sense that anything’s possible under this combination. This might be linked to the people you meet as the planet of relating Venus is also in Pisces from the 5th onwards.
In fact, Venus teams up with Neptune on the 27th and Jupiter on the 30th bringing the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction to life. This is a strong omen for partnership and for being better off because of who you’re with. You may decide to treat the ones you love. Or, you hear of an investment that can make you big money.
If so, do check the facts and read everything. This combination can coincide with miracles but it’s not wise to fall for a scam or be seduced by a promise. Be savvy, get earth sign common sense on your side. Perhaps, team up with a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. If you want to make the most of this wonderful Jupiter-Neptune vibe, you need to be willing to grab your surfboard and surf the biggest wave.
Earth Sign Taurus
Earth sign activity kicks in from mid-month onwards. The planet of communication Mercury enters Taurus on the 11th and is joined by the Sun on the 20th.
Taurus is the star sign that rules your home and family, your connection to the past. At its best, this is where you find stability in your life. However, this may not necessarily be true thanks to the fact that your co-ruler Uranus has been in Taurus for some time.
Uranus brings change, sometimes the unexpected. You may feel unrooted with Uranus at the base of your horoscope. Or, you find that your plans change often and quickly. Uranus is active this month on the 18th and the 30th.
The 30th is the date of the second New Moon in the month called a Black Moon which is also a Solar Eclipse. This is part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023. It’s an important eclipse cycle for you because it cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your horoscope.
It’s about work and your future path on the one hand, your home and family and your past on the other hand. These key areas are where there may be significant change in your life, either now or moving forward.
Eclipses tend to have a bad reputation as they often coincide with the unexpected, a bit like your co-ruler Uranus. Yet, this eclipse is ruled by Venus and there’s a lucky Venus-Jupiter conjunction on the same day, the 30th. Therefore, this could bring something special your way. Or, you hear good news about a member of your family.
Alternatively, you may be the one being creative and bringing excitement and new ideas to your home and family. Normally, you’d be on the move under these stars or changing your family set-up in some way. Consider what new initiatives would not only benefit you but the ones you love.
Jupiter-Neptune themes
The once-in-a-lifetime Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is exact on April 12th. We’ve been surfing its waves since February and there’s a way to go yet. It peaks this month, continues into May & there may be a Jupiter-Neptune revival in November/December.
Jupiter-Neptune themes conjure up big dreams, a cultural renaissance, a spiritual awakening, miracles, revelation, awe & wonder. In Pisces, it’s a flood of emotion, a wave of imagination, a rush of compassion & interconnectedness. It’s also wise to avoid fake news, be wary of scams, choose your faith carefully & lose yourself in a good way.
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction falls in your 2nd house ruling money, your personal possessions & assets, your values & self-worth. This would be an ideal time to boost your pay packet, let go of your possessions, show off your charitable or philanthropic nature, gift other people and be open to abundance.
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