Aquarius August 2020

Aquarius Full Moon

Things get interesting for you straightaway this month. This has a lot to do with the fact that there’s a Full Moon on the 3rd and it falls in your star sign, Aquarius.

This is always a significant Full Moon in the year for you and there may be a sense of things coming full circle from the New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th. Full Moons often bring completion or culmination and this is an important Full Moon to stop and reassess your current situation.

Aquarius rules your personal goals and aims, your image and profile. Your identity may be changing in some way. Or, you see yourself differently. Whatever’s foreground for you, stop and take a breath, consider where you’ve come from, where you’re heading and why.

Full Moons are about relationships and up until the 22nd of August, you have the Sun in Leo and your relationship sector. Again, the Full Moon could be a significant turning point with regard to your 1-to-1’s.

This Full Moon is important for another reason. The fact that it’s exactly square to Uranus, your co-ruler. Uranus is the awakener in astrology, the rebel, alternative and innovative. It’s the bringer of change and favours spontaneity and flexibility over tradition or stability.

This month could be a significant turning point for you. This is especially true if your birthday falls on the last two days of January as you have Uranus triggering your Sun in Aquarius.

Uranus’ Call

Yet, for all of you, this month you’re likely to heed Uranus’ call. This is because Uranus turns retrograde on the 15th and it hardly moves position throughout August. When a planet ‘stations’, its energy and influence is especially strong.

Uranus is currently in Taurus and your home and family sector. You may feel restless or rootless with this influence. Or, perhaps, you’re on the move literally. You’re changing, your relationships are exciting and it’s going to be hard to stay still in one place.

Love & Passion

The New Moon on the 19th fires up the star sign Leo and your relationship sector. The Sun and Moon are next to Mercury in Leo and it’s a great New Moon to initiate a key conversation or heart-to-heart. New Moons are the time to set your intentions, to seed something new in your life.

This New Moon could see a love relationship take off. And, there are two days previous to the New Moon, the 16th/17th, when communications or conversations could help a relationship develop or start at super fast pace.

This is when the Sun and Mercury team up with fiery Mars in Aries and your talk sector. Fire signs, like Leo and Aries, leap in, they’re motivated and spontaneous.

Mars is combative too and there could be things that you have to say this month. If you’re feeling cross or hard done by, it’s going to be hard to stay quiet. On the 4th, 13th and 24th, Mars clashes with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.

You might decide to take on the authorities this month or become an activist. You won’t fit easily into the current status quo and will be especially fired up when you meet someone new who’s ambitious, driven and ready for action. Or, perhaps that’s you!

A Slower, Steady Pace

Work actually looks calm and relaxed for most of August as lovely Venus graces the star sign Cancer and your work sector from the 7th onwards. This is a good time to focus on teamwork and ensure you have a creative group of people around you.

Be supportive to work colleagues and ask for help and advice. Let things flow and do the best for your health. Having people who care for you deeply is the best form of medicine.

After the 22nd, the Sun moves into earth sign Virgo lighting up one of the money sectors of your horoscope. You may be ready for a slower pace, especially if August does prove to be as exciting as it’s lined up to be.

Get your cosmic ducks in order, sort out your finances and feel the earth under your feet. Remember that you not only have Uranus ruling your star sign but steady Saturn too. The rebel needs somewhere to stop and rest and hold firm now and again.

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