Aquarius April 2018

Aquarius, mountains

Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)

It’s important to remember that communication planet Mercury is retrograde as April begins. This means that Mercury is retracing its steps until the 15th, when it turns direct once again.

This is particularly important for you because Mercury is in Aries and your communication sector, so it’s potentially a double-whammy of communication chaos with Mercury up to its tricks. Traditionally, Mercury retrograde is an ideal period to review your ideas, go back over old ground and use this as a time of preparation ready to launch a project once Mercury’s up to speed.

The 1st, however, could prove enlightening because this is the day when the Sun in Aries sits next to retrograde Mercury, bringing a moment of enlightenment or illumination. Listen out for important insights on this day and tap into your inner voice. When personal planets are retrograde, this turns your attention inwards and it’s within where the most valuable work takes place.

It’s important to note who or what is holding you back early in the month, around the 4th/5th. This is when retrograde Mercury clashes with Mars and Saturn in Capricorn and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.

Sometimes, this can indicate a secret enemy, someone who’s not obvious to you at first. Or you may experience fear or doubt and the voice of your inner critic is particularly strong. If you need to take time out early in the month to rest and retreat, do so. Mars in Capricorn can sometimes be a stressful factor if it’s hard to channel Mars’ forthright nature constructively.

You may already be aware that you’re building up to an important chapter in your life, a significant turning point. If there’s something you want to say or voice, nothing and no-one can hold you back mid-April.

This is when there’s a whoosh of planetary energy in Aries and your ideas sector. Aries rules all things connected to the written and spoken word and it’s a strong forthright planetary energy. You might be finding your voice as an activist or be keen to promote your services. What takes place mid-April feels as if you can’t hold back a moment longer.

This begins with Mercury’s change of direction on the 15th followed by a New Moon in Aries a day later, on the 16th. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and this is an ideal time to initiate an important conversation, to send off a life-changing letter or email and basically speak up.

The other planet involved in the New Moon activity is your co-ruler, Uranus. Uranus is an unpredictable planet but it’s lively and impulsive. Uranus in Aries can be wacky and quirky on the one hand, rebellious and innovative on the other hand.

Uranus has been in your communication sector for the last seven years and it’s the planet linked to technology and all things new. This is great for social media but perhaps you’re getting ready to move on. Uranus begins the process of leaving Aries next month in mid-May.

For now, note the 18th when the Sun and Uranus unite and you can use technology to good effect to bring about change.

Also, you have big planet Jupiter in Scorpio and your career and vocation sector and Jupiter is strong mid-month. On the 14th, Jupiter makes a major planetary aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. These two planets first came together on January 16th and they will meet one more time on September 12th.

Together they can represent a breakthrough and their theme is hidden riches. This would be a good time to go back to the past, whether you’re reworking an idea or reconnecting with old work mates.

This is potentially a time of deep analysis when you’re looking at your life in a new way. Put on your detective hat, do some research and use what you discover to boost your career or shift your perspective. It’s important to reenvision the bigger picture and notice who’s on your side and who’s working against you.

It does feel as if you’re clearing the way now ready for a new stage that will begin once Mars enters Aquarius next month and your co-ruler Uranus enters Taurus. This could indicate a change of address or a new home.

This month, the planet of relating, Venus, is in Taurus and your home and family sector until the 24th. This either means that family are there for you or you want to prioritise loved ones. The period from the 7th to the 17th is strong for Venus and a lovely time to reconnect with family or take a trip down memory lane.

This would also be a good time to catch up with a childhood sweetheart, someone you once loved and lost. Plus, the Sun, your partner planet moves into Taurus on the 20th, another indication that love and the past are one.

Plus, love planet Venus moves into Gemini and your romance sector on the 24th so the last couple of weeks of April could be significant for your close relationships. New love brings excitement but it’s an old or established relationship that feels most comfortable, the person you ultimately feel at home with.

The Full Moon could be pivotal this month too as it takes place on the 30th and lights up the foundations of your horoscope. The Moon is in Scorpio ruling your career and vocation, your status and reputation and the Sun is in Taurus ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from.

This may indicate a cross-over period. Perhaps you’re spending more time with family or loved ones because you know you’re getting ready for a big move. A period in your life when you’re going to prioritise your own needs and wants more and more.

4 thoughts on “Aquarius April 2018”

  1. Fascinating and exciting! There’s lots here that resonates with what’s been happening, and I’ve been feeling that I’m “almost there”. Everything is falling into place, with clearer insights coming, it seems, with each day.

    Thank you. I trust I just keep “doing what I’m doing” and I don’t need to think too hard about this?

    1. Sally Kirkman

      I think you’re spot on. Trust your intuition and act mid-April once Mercury is direct again. Sending best wishes.

  2. Sally your analysis is spot on for me. This year has so far been full of dramatic changes in family home and career, and I know for sure that it’s not over but I remain haunted by a deeply painful and sudden break in a very close relationship at the beginning of January probably the worst of my 55 years which has cast a shadow over these changes. Do I have any hope of some balance coming back into my life to resolve this ?

    1. Sally Kirkman

      Hi Penelope, it sounds as if the eclipses are kicking in to your life – they often coincide with dramatic events. Mid-April is your best bet to resolve any issues from January as the karmic north node is at the exact degree of January’s Lunar Eclipse. Also, mid-April represents a significant turning point with communication planet Mercury back up to speed. Think carefully about what you want to do, say and act then. Hope that helps. Sally

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