April Astrology Top 5

skyHere’s your quick astrology guide to the major planetary events taking place in the month of April.

Don’t forget to read your monthly stars which offer you a personal insight into your month ahead.

1. Lunar Eclipse – Saturday April 4th

Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon & Earth are in alignment and one planetary body casts a shadow on another. Key questions to ask yourself leading up to an eclipse are “who or what is being eclipsed?” and “what am I not seeing?” An eclipse period often brings what’s hidden to light.

This Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipse falls on the Easter weekend with the Sun at 14 Aries 24 opposing the Moon at 14 Libra 24. In a Lunar Eclipse you immediately have a theme of ‘opposition’ as the Sun and Moon oppose each other across the zodiac.

This time around, there are three other planets in the mix. Mercury (communication) at 8 Aries, Uranus (change) at 16 Aries and Pluto (endings) at 15 Capricorn. This creates a T-square (think T-junction) in the heavens which can indicate conflict, opposing needs, a push-pull energy, sheer force & determination.

Mid-degrees of the cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn – are once again the hot spots [14-16 degrees] and cardinal signs want action, they need movement, a sense of direction.

Easter weekend is when things come to a head and if there’s pressure building in your life, an urgency to speak up, a desire for change, this is when the energy’s most active. It’s worth noting that actions (and words) will have consequences so be constructive rather than destructive and encourage other people to do the same.

Tradition states you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Let things settle, emotions stabilise and make any big decision from a more measured position.

2. New Moon Aries – Saturday April 18th

The New Moon feels like a blessed sense of relief after the antics of the Lunar Eclipse earlier in the month. This New Moon falls at 28 Aries 25 in the first sign of the zodiac and there are no other key planets involved in the planetary alignment.

This means it’s a pure New Moon, ripe for new beginnings. Whatever comes to an end/you let go of on the back of the Lunar Eclipse, once everything settles, here’s your ‘fresh start’ opportunity. Set your intentions and fire them off into the stratosphere. There’s a ‘rawr’ energy to Aries and when this comes from a positive place, it’s incredibly dynamic and powerful.

3. Jupiter Turns Direct – Wednesday April 8th

Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and the protective planet, is in super-helpful mode during the Lunar Eclipse. Hoorah! There’s a gorgeous Sun-Jupiter trine in fire signs on April 2nd and four days after the eclipse Jupiter turns direct at 12 Leo 35.

This means after four months retrograde (on go slow), Jupiter is getting back up to full speed and this is glorious. Wherever you find Jupiter in your chart, grab your opportunities with both hands and run with them. Jupiter moves quickly through Leo until August 11th 2015 when it changes signs. The next four months are a ‘go-for-it’ window of opportunity. Make the most of it.

4. Venus Enters Gemini – Saturday April 11th

Lovely Venus, lady of love and all things sensual, enters Gemini on April 11th where she remains until May 7th. This is not only good news for Gemini in particular (Venus acts as a mini blessing) but lovely light energy for all of us. Be flirtatious, have fun, find what makes you happy and let your happiness shine.

This is also a sign to get the help and support you need, to create a team of people around you, to band together with others for mutual benefit. The areas of your life represented by Gemini (more details in your monthly stars) are going to be extra busy over the next couple of months due to Mercury’s retrograde phase in Gemini starting May 19th. So ease back a little this month and/or set yourself up so you’re on top of things.

Venus clashes with the Saturn-Neptune square on April 15th and April 19th and events around this time might highlight where in your life fear or worry gets in the way of your happiness.

5. Taurus Rules – all month

Taurus is the sign that acts as the backdrop to all the other astrological events taking place in April. This is because Mars (action) is in Taurus throughout April, Venus is there until the 11th and Mercury enters Taurus on the 14th followed by the Sun on the 20th. It’s going to be a busy sector of your chart.

The dominant player however is Mars and he’s not at ease in Taurus. Mars wants action and speed and he wants it now and he gets frustrated when he has to act like the tortoise and not the hare. So pace yourself, drop the urgency, be aware that you can’t achieve all that you want overnight and instead work slowly, steadily & productively.

Taurus wants and needs strong foundations in life and Mars has the drive and determination to create them but don’t give yourself a hard time in the process. The other planets in Taurus will remind you that Taurus appreciates life’s simple pleasures and requires indulgence and sensual activities to feel truly happy. Stop and smell the roses every now and again – remember there’s always beauty in life if you choose to seek it out.

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