April 2023 Astrology

solar eclipse

Full Moon [16 Libra 07]

– April 6, 2023 

Ask anyone what they know about the full moon that takes place approximately every 29 days and they may mention the effect the moon has on the tides or the rituals associated with the Full Moon. 

What many people don’t realise is that the date Easter falls in the calendar is determined by the cycle of the moon and specifically the Full Moon.

Easter Sunday is always the first Sunday after the first Full Moon following the Equinox. This year, the Equinox fell on March 20th and the first Full Moon after this date takes place on April 6th. Therefore, Easter Sunday is the following Sunday which happens to be three days later on April 9th.

This month’s Full Moon on April 6th highlights the axis of the zodiac that teaches us about relationships. The Sun in ‘me-first’ Aries and the Moon in ‘you decide’ Libra. It’s often a time of heightened emotions or drama, although the light of the moon can bring clarity and intuitive knowingness.

A Full Moon reminds us of life’s polarities by its very nature. The King (Sun) and Queen (Moon) of the heavens look at each other from across the zodiac. You can be pulled in different directions during the Full Moon phase or try to find a way to bring opposing factors together so they complement each other.  

Sun conjunct Jupiter Aries

– April 11, 2023

The month gets trickier as it goes along but let’s not underestimate the power of Jupiter, the best planet. On April 11th, a few days after the Full Moon, there’s a stunning Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. This only happens approximately once a year. It’s a feel-good vibe.

Jupiter expands what it touches and the Sun represents your essence, your identity, your purpose. Therefore, this is a joyous combination which inclines towards optimism and confidence. It’s a gorgeous symbol for having faith, trusting in yourself and being true to who you are.

Together, the Sun and Jupiter promise luck and good fortune, it feels generous and giving. This would be the ideal day to say yes to life, take a risk, broaden your horizons, be open-hearted and open to luck. 

Solar Eclipse [29 Aries 50]

– April 20, 2023

Last month, there was a New Moon at 0° Aries and this month, there’s a second New Moon in Aries, at 29° Aries and the end of the star sign. It’s unusual to have two New Moons in the same star sign. Plus, this isn’t just an ordinary New Moon as it’s the start of a new eclipse cycle.

This is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries and over the next three years, 2023, 2024, 2025, there will be three Solar Eclipses in the first star sign.

A Solar Eclipse is a powerful symbol of new beginnings. Yet, as with all eclipses, a shadow has to fall. It’s only when the shadow lifts that a new landscape is revealed.

During this New Moon Solar Eclipse, Pluto is square to the Sun, the planet linked to endings. However, the square aspect only perfects when the Sun has entered Taurus a few hours later. 

Therefore, the eclipse and the Pluto square fall in different sectors of your horoscope. There may be two separate events taking place, although perhaps they’re linked.

Wherever you find the star sign Aries in your horoscope, this is where you have a powerful beam of energy or light. 

This is New Moon energy but wait until you first see the crescent Moon in the sky a couple of days after the eclipse before setting your intentions.

However, you’re probably wise to wait until mid-May before you can confidently set off in a new direction, as this month brings a Mercury Retrograde phase.

Mercury turns retrograde [15 Taurus 57]

– April 21, 2023 

Communication planet, Mercury, turns retrograde the day after the Solar Eclipse in earth sign Taurus. Mercury retreats through the zodiac from 15° Taurus to 5° Taurus where it will turn direct on May 15th.

​​​​​​​Traditionally, Mercury retrograde is the time to avoid big decisions and major investments. Mercury rules transport and is the planet linked to trade. 

As Taurus is one of the star signs associated with money, this could be another topsy-turvy time for the money markets. Plus, next month, there’ll be a Full Moon Lunar cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac, the money star signs.

You’re wise to double-check everything before Mercury switches direction, especially paperwork. Back up important documents before April 21st and be flexible and patient while Mercury is rewinding through the zodiac.

Actively engage with all the re-words – reflect, retreat, revise, rework, reconnect, reimagine, reminisce, etc. Retrograde planets turn your attention inwards and towards the past. It’s a great time for second chances, slowing things down and rethinking your next steps.

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Wishing you love, good health & happiness in the month ahead.

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