Solar Eclipse [4 Capricorn 07]
December 26, 2019 (05:13 GMT)
As you prepare to celebrate this festive time of year in the way you choose, the earth continues to turn and the stars reveal their hidden knowledge.
Often, at this time of year, there is a powerful lunation, usually a Full Moon. This year, it’s a New Moon and a special New Moon as it’s a Solar Eclipse. A symbol of new beginnings.
Although, eclipse season is primarily about change. Sometimes, there has to be an ending first before you can start over. The clue is in the word – to eclipse.
Sun conjunct Jupiter [5 Capricorn 41]
December 27, 2019 (18:25 GMT)
What’s interesting about this eclipse is that it sits next to lucky Jupiter. Our ancestors didn’t fear an eclipse in the sky when Jupiter was visible, they took it as a good omen.
Jupiter is below the horizon right now but the fact that Jupiter is part of this eclipse adds a positive factor. It brings the feel-good vibe to the holiday season.
Also, and this is important, this week’s astrology is a symbol of new opportunities and freedom. This may be the time when you decide to take a big risk or leap of faith. You may find the support or confidence you need to line up a big move for 2020.
Or perhaps, seeds are sown around the festive table that give you an idea for what next. Listen out for synchronicities at this magical time of year and know that Jupiter is primarily a protective, generous and giving influence.
Eclipses always come in pairs and the Lunar Eclipse will take place on January 10, 2020, two days before the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. The eclipse star signs are Cancer and Capricorn.
The January eclipse is most definitely about endings, whether you’re ditching a bad habit, or letting go of responsibility, duty, debt or a burden. There are different types of endings in life, not all of them bad.
Yet, it’s this week’s Solar Eclipse which could be the new beginning, the seed that gives you the belief and trust to set something new in motion before the end of 2019. It could be an exciting few days.
Here are the areas of your life highlighted by this weekend’s Solar Eclipse. Read both your Sun sign and Ascendant sign:
- Capricorn: Self, image, name, your identity
- Aquarius: Retreat, quiet time, seclusion, service to others, introspection
- Pisces: Friends, groups, social networks, political agendas, hopes & wishes
- Aries: Career, vocation, status, your role in the public eye
- Taurus: Travel, education, learning, your philosophy on life
- Gemini: Joint finances, sex, life’s mysteries
- Cancer: Relationships, your 1-to-1’s, both personal & professional
- Leo: Health, work, your everyday lifestyle & routine
- Virgo: Children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs, luck
- Libra: Home, family, your past, where you come from
- Scorpio: Communication, siblings, neighbours, your local community
- Sagittarius: Money, resources, your personal values
Wishing you a wonderfully festive season. I hope that Jupiter’s influence brings you a bestowal or special gift in amongst the festive madness. And, if you are having a peaceful few days, may Jupiter be with you.